
class regionmask.Regions(outlines, numbers=None, names=None, abbrevs=None, name='unnamed', source=None)

class for plotting regions and creating region masks

__init__(self, outlines, numbers=None, names=None, abbrevs=None, name='unnamed', source=None)
  • outlines (iterable or dict of: Nx2 array of vertices, Polygon or MultiPolygon) – List of the coordinates of the vertices (outline) of the region as shapely Polygon/ MultiPolygon or list.

  • numbers (iterable of int, optional) – List of numerical indices for every region. Default: range(0, len(outlines))

  • names (iterable or dict of string, optional) – Long name of each region. Default: [“Region0”, .., “RegionN”]

  • abbrevs (iterable or dict of string, optional) – Abbreviations of each region. Default: [“r0”, …, “rN”]

  • name (string, optional) – Name of the collection of regions. Default: “unnamed”

  • source (string, optional) – Source of the region definitions. Default: “”.


Create your own Regions:

from regionmask import Regions

name = 'Example'
numbers = [0, 1]
names = ['Unit Square1', 'Unit Square2']
abbrevs = ['uSq1', 'uSq2']

outl1 = ((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1.), (1, 0))
outl2 = ((0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2.), (1, 1))
outlines = [outl1, outl2]

r = Regions(outlines, numbers, names, abbrevs, name)

It’s also possible to pass shapely Poylgons:

from shapely.geometry import Polygon

numbers = [1, 2]
names = {1:'Unit Square1', 2: 'Unit Square2'}
abbrevs = {1:'uSq1', 2:'uSq2'}
poly = {1: Polygon(outl1), 2: Polygon(outl2)}

r = Regions(outlines, numbers, names, abbrevs, name)

# arguments are now optional
r = Regions(outlines)


__init__(self, outlines[, numbers, names, …])

param outlines

List of the coordinates of the vertices (outline) of the region as

combiner(self, prop)

combines attributes from single regions

map_keys(self, key)

map from names and abbrevs of the regions to numbers

mask(self, lon_or_obj[, lat, lon_name, …])

create a grid as mask of a set of regions for given lat/ lon grid

mask_3D(self, lon_or_obj[, lat, drop, …])

create a 3D boolean as mask of a set of regions for given lat/ lon grid

plot(self[, ax, proj, regions, add_label, …])

plot map with with region outlines

plot_regions(self[, ax, regions, add_label, …])

plot map with with srex regions



list of abbreviations of the regions


list of the bounds of the regions (min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)


global bounds over all regions (min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)


list of the center of mass of the regions


list of coordinates of the region vertices as numpy array


if the regions extend from -180 to 180


if the regions extend from 0 to 360


list of names of the regions


list of the numbers of the regions


list of shapely Polygon/ MultiPolygon of the regions


dictionary that maps all names and abbrevs to the region number