
Regions.plot_regions(self, ax=None, regions='all', add_label=True, label='number', line_kws={}, text_kws={}, subsample=None)

plot map with with srex regions

  • ax (axes handle, optional) – If given, uses existing axes. If not given, creates a new axes. Note: in contrast to plot this does not create a cartopy axes.

  • regions (list of int or str | 'all', optional) – Select the regions (by number, abbrev or name, can be mixed) that should be outlined.

  • add_label (bool) – If true labels the regions. Optional, default True.

  • label ('number' | 'name' | 'abbrev', optional) – If ‘number’ labels the regions with numbers, if ‘name’ uses the long name of the regions, if ‘short_name’ uses abbreviations of the regions. Default ‘number’.

  • add_ocean (bool, optional) – If true colors the ocean blue. Default: True.

  • line_kws (dict) – Arguments passed to plot.

  • text_kws (dict) – Arguments passed to the labels (ax.text).

  • resolution ('110m' | '50m' | '10m') – Specify the resolution of the coastline and the ocean dataset. See cartopy for details.

  • subsample (None or bool, optional) – If True subsamples the outline of the coords to make better looking plots on certain maps. If False does not subsample. If None, infers the subsampling -> if the input is given as array subsamples if it is given as (Multi)Polygons does not subsample.


ax (axes handle)