
This tutorial was generated from an IPython notebook that can be downloaded here.

Working with geopandas (shapefiles)

regionmask includes support for regions defined as geopandas GeoDataFrames. These are often shapefiles, which can be opened in the formats .zip or .shp with geopandas.read_file(url_or_path).

There are two possibilities:

  1. mask_geopandas (and mask_3D_geopandas): directly create a mask from a geopandas GeoDataFrame (or GeoSeries)

  2. to_geopandas: convert a GeoDataFrame to a Regions object (regionmask’s internal data container), which can then be used to mask, plot and select regions.

As always, start with the imports:

import as ccrs
import geopandas as gp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import regionmask


Opening an example shapefile

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) offers a shapefile containing the outlines of continens [1].

continents = gp.read_file(

       CONTINENT                                           geometry
0           Asia  MULTIPOLYGON (((93.27554 80.26361, 93.31304 80...
1  North America  MULTIPOLYGON (((-25.28167 71.39166, -25.32889 ...
2         Europe  MULTIPOLYGON (((58.06138 81.68776, 57.98055 81...
3         Africa  MULTIPOLYGON (((0.69465 5.77337, 0.66667 5.803...
4  South America  MULTIPOLYGON (((-81.71306 12.49028, -81.72014 ...
5        Oceania  MULTIPOLYGON (((-177.39334 28.18416, -177.3958...
6      Australia  MULTIPOLYGON (((142.27997 -10.26556, 142.21053...
7     Antarctica  MULTIPOLYGON (((51.80305 -46.45667, 51.72139 -...

1. mask_geopandas and mask_3D_geopandas

mask_geopandas allows to directly create a mask from a geodataframe:

lon = np.arange(-180, 180)
lat = np.arange(-90, 90)

mask = regionmask.mask_geopandas(continents, lon, lat)

Let’s plot the new mask:

f, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()))
    ax=ax, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), add_colorbar=False,


Similarly a 3D boolean mask can be created from a geodataframe:

from matplotlib import colors as mplc

cmap1 = mplc.ListedColormap(["none", "#9ecae1"])

mask_3D = regionmask.mask_3D_geopandas(continents, lon, lat)

f, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()))
    ax=ax, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), add_colorbar=False, cmap=cmap1,


2. to_geopandas

Creating a Regions object with regionmask.from_geopandas only requires a GeoDataFrame:

continents_regions = regionmask.from_geopandas(continents)
Name:     unnamed

 0  r0  Region0
 1  r1  Region1
 2  r2  Region2
 3  r3  Region3
 4  r4  Region4
 5  r5  Region5
 6  r6  Region6
 7  r7  Region7

[8 regions]

This creates default names ("Region0", …, "RegionN") and abbreviations ("r0", …, "rN").

However, it is often advantageous to use columns of the GeoDataFrame as names and abbrevs. If no column with abbreviations is available, you can use abbrevs='_from_name', which creates unique abbreviations using the names column.

continents_regions = regionmask.from_geopandas(
    continents, names="CONTINENT", abbrevs="_from_name", name="continent"
Name:     continent

 0     Asi           Asia
 1  NorAme  North America
 2     Eur         Europe
 3     Afr         Africa
 4  SouAme  South America
 5     Oce        Oceania
 6     Aus      Australia
 7     Ant     Antarctica

[8 regions]

As usual the newly created Regions object can be plotted on a world map:

continents_regions.plot(label="name", coastlines=False);

And to create mask a mask for arbitrary latitude/ longitude grids:

lon = np.arange(0, 360)
lat = np.arange(-90, 90)

mask = continents_regions.mask(lon, lat)

which can then be plotted

f, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()))
h = mask.plot(
    levels=np.arange(-0.5, 8),

cbar = plt.colorbar(h, shrink=0.625, pad=0.025, aspect=12)




[1] Environmental Systems Research , Inc. (ESRI), 20020401, World Continents: ESRI Data & Maps 2002, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI), Redlands, California, USA.