On-line Poster Session on Tue, 27 June 2023

Overview | Boundary Layer | Clouds and Precipitation | Dynamics | Applications | Field Campaigns | Climate | Numerical Weather Prediction | Forecasting and Verification
Boundary Layer (Attendance: 10:00-11:00 and 15:00-16:00 CEST)
P1.1 Estimation of the mountainous boundary layer height by a network of ceilometers in the Swiss Alps
Martine Collaud Coen (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland), Dylan Ifergan, Benjamin Heutte, Rolf Rüfenacht, Maxime Hervo, Daniel Leuenberger, Marco Arpagaus, Alexander Haefele
P1.2 Quadcopter observations of the evening transition from up-valley to down-valley winds
Meinolf Kossmann (Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany), Stephan F.J. de Wekker
P1.3 A better understanding of the mountain boundary layer processes in the eastern Pyrenees
Mireia Udina (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain), Laura Trapero, Joan Bech, Alexandre Paci
P1.4 Structure of turbulence in an ice cave
Ivana Stiperski (University of Innsbruck, Austria), Maria Wind, Friedrich Obleitner, Tanguy Racine, Mathias W Rotach, Christoph Spötl
P1.5 An improved method for mesoscale model evaluation over complex terrain
Gaspard Simonet (UIBK ACINN, Austria), Manuela Lehner, Mathias W. Rotach
P1.6 Sensitivity study of WRF model parameterization schemes on alpine basin temperature inversion
Katharina Perny (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria), Imran Nadeem, Herbert Formayer
P1.7 Mesoscale modeling using new method for eddy diffusivity parameterizations and assessment of SO2 concentrations using aviation measurements
Gašparac Goran (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Jeričević Amela, Željko Večenaj, Esau Igor, Grisogono Branko
P8.1 Storage and transport processes in an idealized valley with a LES reference
Ivan Bašić (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany), Shweta Singh, Juerg Schmidli
P8.2 AlpTherm_3d – a heuristic Lagrangian convection model on highly resolved orography
Bruno Neininger (Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland)
P8.3 The repesentation of valley winds at the hectometric range in NWP models - Does higher resolution improve model performance?
Brigitta Goger (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Anurag Dipankar
P8.4 (cancelled) Evaluation of thermally driven local winds in the Swiss Alps simulated by the ICON model
Juerg Schmidli (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany), Julian Quimbayo-Duarte
P8.5 Analysis of the wind response to resolved versus parametrized turbulent orographic drag over moderately complex terrain.
Julian Quimbayo Duarte (Goethe Universität, Germany), Juerg Schmidli, Martin Köhler, Linda Schlemmer
P8.6 Performance assessment of the Two-Energies Turbulence Scheme over complex terrain: Cold air pool process.
Julian Quimbayo Duarte (Goethe Universität, Germany), Juerg Schmidli, Ivan Bašták Ďurán
P8.7 ICON Model Validation in Forecasting Cold Air Pools in Complex Topography
Stephanie Westerhuis (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Fabian Schoeni, Brigitta Goger, Oliver Fuhrer
P9.1 Lake effects on local circulation and energy exchange in mountainous area
Lujun Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Huizhi Liu, Yang Liu, Jihua Sun, Anlun Xu, Xiaoni Meng
P9.2 Identifying an appropriate filter time for stable conditions over mountainous terrain
Manuela Lehner (University of Innsbruck, Austria), Mathias W. Rotach
P9.3 Study of turbulent energy fluxes in a coniferous forest at the complex-terrain site of Renon (Italian Alps)
Nadia Vendrame (University of Trento, Italy), Martina Destro, Mirco Rodeghiero, Leonardo Montagnani, Dino Zardi
P9.4 Empirical representations of vertical temperature gradients in complex mountainous terrain and their impact on similarity relations
Lena Pfister (University of Innsbruck, Austria), Karl Lapo, Manuela Lehner, Ivana Stiperski, Mathias W. Rotach
P9.5 Evaluation of Eddy Diffusion Coefficients for Thermally Driven Slope Winds
Sofia Farina (University of Trento, Italy), Dino Zardi
P9.6 An analytic model for daily-periodic slope winds driven by a realistic surface energy budget
Mattia Marchio (University of Trento, Italy), Sofia Farina, Dino Zardi
P9.7 On pressure and temperature surface temporal variations
Francesco Sioni (ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia–OSMER, Italy), Agostino Manzato, Gabriele Fasano, Arturo Pucillo, Richard Rotunno
Overview | Boundary Layer | Clouds and Precipitation | Dynamics | Applications | Field Campaigns | Climate | Numerical Weather Prediction | Forecasting and Verification
Clouds and Precipitation (Attendance: 8:00-9:00 and 17:00-18:00 CEST)
P2.1 Observations of the Characteristics of Cool-Season Precipitation in the Salt Lake Valley and Adjacent Central Wasatch Range of Utah, USA
Michael L. Wasserstein (University of Utah, USA), Jim Steenburgh, Peter Veals, David Kingsmill, Ashley Evans
P2.2 Influence of Cold Air Damming on Snowfall in the Yeongdong region of Korea
Byung-Gon Kim (Gangneung-Wonju National University, South Korea), Young-Gil Choi, Ji-Yoon Kim, Byung-Whan Lim, Si-Woo Lee
P2.3 Three types of clouds forming over the summit and downwind of a typical conical mountain, Mt. Fuji: a climatological study
Tomoko Kodama (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Hiroyuki Kusaka, Tomoka Maeda, Kakeru Konnai, Natsuki Takada, Miru Maebata, Risa Ishida, Rio Ishikawa, Kenshi Murata
P2.4 Winds make cap and Tsurushi clouds over Mt. Fuji grow larger
Hiroyuki Kusaka (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Risa Ishida, Yuma Imai, Takashi Ikeda, Jason C. Knievel, George Bryan
P2.5 (cancelled) Ambient Flow Influences on Broad-Coverage Lake-Effect Systems Interacting with Downstream Orography
Jim Steenburgh (University of Utah, United States), Dallas McKinney
P2.6 On the applicability of the 2D linear upslope model for orographic rainfalls: case studies in the pre-Alpine mountain range
Andrea Abbate (Ricerca Sistema Energetico, Italy)
P2.7 Evaluation of High-Resolution Regional Climate Model Simulations of Atmospheric River Impacts on Orographic Precipitation and Snowpack in the Southern Andes
Erin Potter (University at Albany, United States), Justin Minder
Overview | Boundary Layer | Clouds and Precipitation | Dynamics | Applications | Field Campaigns | Climate | Numerical Weather Prediction | Forecasting and Verification
Dynamics (Attendance: 8:00-9:00 and 16:00-17:00 CEST)
P3.1 Climatology and some dynamic features of inversions in Iceland
Lilja Jónsdóttir (University of Iceland, Iceland), Haraldur Ólafsson
P3.2 Characteristics of bora pulsations in the lee of the Dinaric Alps
Petar Golem (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Željko Večenaj, Hrvoje Kozmar, Branko Grisogono
P3.3 Why does Japan's south foehn, "Jintsu-Oroshi," often blow at night?
Hiroyuki Kusaka (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Satoshi Nishiba, Yuki Asano
P3.4 Spatial Distribution and Generation Mechanism of Local Winds ”Rokko-oroshi”
Hirotaka Abe (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Hiroyuki Kusaka
P3.5 Climatological study on valuable local winds of Japan "Obonai-dashi"
Tatsuki Kudo (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Hiroyuki Kusaka
P3.6 On the role of the Po Valley cold-air pool in the lifting of Foehn air parcels
Lukas Jansing (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Yue Tian, Jürg Schmidli, Michael Sprenger
P3.7 Large-Eddy Simulations of Föhn in the Rhine Valley
Lilja Jónsdóttir (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Nikolai Krieger, Michael Sprenger
P4.1 The drag produced by vertically propagating non-hydrostatic mountain waves generated by three-dimensional orography
Miguel A. C. Teixeira (University of Reading, United Kingdom), Xin Xu, Runqiu Li, Yixiong Lu
P4.2 How is orographic gravity-wave drag affected by a stable boundary layer?
Miguel A. C. Teixeira (University of Reading, United Kingdom), Holly V. Turner, John Methven
P4.3 Impacts of damping in an idealized model of orographic gravity waves
Callum Dinnett (Met Office Exeter, United Kingdom)
Overview | Boundary Layer | Clouds and Precipitation | Dynamics | Applications | Field Campaigns | Climate | Numerical Weather Prediction | Forecasting and Verification
Applications (Attendance: 8:00-9:00 and 15:00-16:00 CEST)
P4.4 Estimation of extreme winds over the wider Adriatic region
Kristian Horvath (Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Croatia), Endi Keresturi, Ines Muić, Lasta Slaviček
P4.5 Orographic winds and the greatest achievement of mankind in the Middle Ages
Haraldur Ólafsson (University of Iceland, Iceland), Philipp Weitzel, Iman Rousta, Benoit Soula, Léo Jacobin
P4.6 Analysing future behaviour of south-foehn-frequency over Western Austria using an XGBoost machine learning approach
Philipp Maier (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria), Herbert Formayer, Fabian Lehner, Tatiana Klisho, Katharina Perny
P4.7 Investigation of the water vapor channel within the Yarlung Zsangbo Grand Canyon, China
Xuelong Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences, 中国)
P4.8 Climate change adaptation scenarios during heat waves in the Grenoble metropolitan area and impact on air quality
Jacobo Gabeiras-Penas (Université Grenoble Alpes, France)
Overview | Boundary Layer | Clouds and Precipitation | Dynamics | Applications | Field Campaigns | Climate | Numerical Weather Prediction | Forecasting and Verification
Field Campaigns (Attendance: 10:00-11:00 and 17:00-18:00 CEST)
P5.1 Precipitation characteristics obtained from Disdrometers and Doppler Micro Rain Radars: from WISE-PreP (LIAISE-2021) to ARTEMIS projects (Cerdanya-2024).
Francesc Polls (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain), Mireia Udina, Joan Bech, Eric Peinó
P5.2 The Inn Valley exit jet: results of the TEAMx pre-campaign
Katrin Sedlmeier (German Meteorological Service, Germany), Meinolf Kossmann, Ivan Paunovic, Oliver Nitsche, Ronny Leinweber, Eileen Päschke, Lothar Bock, Gudrun Mühlbacher
P5.3 High resolution observations of tributary valley outflows under nighttime stable conditions
Andreas Wieser (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany), Nevio Babic, Jan Handwerker, Alexander Gohm, Lena Pfister
P5.4 Exploring the spatial and temporal variability of downslope flows during SWEX using a mobile wind lidar
Stephan De Wekker (University of Virginia, United States), Gert-Jan Duine, Leila Carvalho
P5.5 Visualization of surface heat transfer around the Jungfraujoch, Switzerland, using thermal imaging
Nicolas Bukowiecki (University of Basel, Switzerland), Oliver Indra, Roland Vogt, Markus Kalberer
P5.6 Development and use of LoRaWAN IoT technology for realtime data acquisition and transmission in remote mountain areas (Alps - Italy)
Andrea Costantini (Experimental Meteorological Monitoring Project in the Pian Cansiglio Regional Forest, Italy), Mauro Girotto
P5.7 LiMnADs Project: Holistic environmental monitoring of the Mediterranean alpine zone
Konstantinos Alexopoulos (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom), Stylianos Sarantellis Komninellis, Emmanouil Vlassis, Benedikt Aurelian Kaspar, David O’Brien-Møller, Andreas Kalyvas, Panagiotis Gkotsis, Christos Salmas, Stavros Dafis, Vasilios Vafeiadis, Konstantinos Lagouvardos, Haritakis Papaioannou
P5.8 Sämtisersee: A multi-method approach to track the eternal battle between foehn and cold-air pool
Stephan Vogt (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland), Julien Anet, Curdin Spirig, Timothy Wright
Overview | Boundary Layer | Clouds and Precipitation | Dynamics | Applications | Field Campaigns | Climate | Numerical Weather Prediction | Forecasting and Verification
Climate (Attendance: 9:00-10:00 and 16:00-17:00 CEST)
P6.1 A new dataset of daily observations from a dense network of weather stations covering the Extended Alpine Region (1991-2020)
Giulio Bongiovanni (University of Trento, Italy),Michael Matiu, Alice Crespi, Anna Napoli, Bruno Majone, Dino Zardi
P6.2 Adding value to historical data: A new reference dataset for climate change studies in Berchtesgaden National Park
Katrin Sedlmeier (German Meteorological Service (DWD), Germany), Annette Lotz, Oliver Nitsche, Sebastian Heiser, Ivan Paunovic, Lothar Bock, Gudrun Mühlbacher
P6.3 Indicators for study the temporal evolution of snow depth in the Pyrenees
Laura Trapero (Andorra Research + Innovation, Andorra), Anna Albalat, Marc Lemus-Cánovas, Marc Pons
P6.4 A survey of mountaineers' observations of global warming effects in the Hex River mountains, South Western Cape, South Africa.
Gavin Heath (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)
P6.5 Geo-hydrological Disasters in the Uttarakhand Himalaya: A Case Study of Bandal Valley
Saurav Kumar (Mizoram University, India), Vishwambhar Prasad Sati
P7.1 Dependence of future changes in river discharge on weather patterns seen in a mountainous heavy snowfall area in Japan.
Masamichi Ohba (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Ryosuke Arai, Masahiro Imamura, Takahiro Sato, Yasushi Toyoda
P7.2 Future changes in Rain-on-Snow events in Japan
Masamichi Ohba (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Hiroaki Kawase
P7.3 Variability of simulated mean winds over Iceland
Benoit Soula (University of Iceland, Iceland), Léo Jacobin, Philipp Weitzel, Haraldur Ólafsson
P7.4 Understanding and quantifying mountain climate change and variability: The role of TEAMx and its Mountain Climate working group
Nikolina Ban (Universität Innsbruck, Austria), Sven Kotlarski, Emily Collier, Anna Napoli, Dino Zardi, Bodo Ahrens, Ioana Colfescu, Katrin Sedlmeier, Heimo Truhetz
P7.5 A new report on the state of the climate in the central and eastern Alps
Katrin Sedlmeier (German Meteorological Service, Germany), Alexander Orlik, Elias Zubler
Overview | Boundary Layer | Clouds and Precipitation | Dynamics | Applications | Field Campaigns | Climate | Numerical Weather Prediction | Forecasting and Verification
Numerical Weather Prediction (Attendance: 9:00-10:00 and 17:00-18:00 CEST)
P10.1 Improving ICON for Alpine Forecasts
Stephanie Westerhuis (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), André Walser, Daniel Regenass
P10.2 Evaluation of simulated valley winds at different model resolutions
Tobia Lezuo (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland), Stephanie Westerhuis, Brigitta Goger, Oliver Fuhrer
P10.3 Comparison between ground-based remote sensing observations and NWP model profiles in a complex topography: the Meiringen campaign
Martine Collaud Coen (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland), Alexandre Bugnard, Maxime Hervo, Samuel Monhart, Daniel Leuenberger, Rolf Rüfenacht, Marco Arpagaus
P10.4 EURO1k: A high-resolution European weather model for alpine weather forecasts by Meteomatics
Julie Pasquier (Meteomatics, Switzerland), Johannes Rausch, Lukas Umek, Martin Fengler
P10.5 High resolution Austrian Re-analysis ensemble with AROME (ARA)
Nauman Awan (Geosphere Austria, Austria), Christoph Wittman, Clemens Wastl, Florian Meier
P10.6 Global km-scale modelling: The Himalaya Problem
Annelize Van Niekerk (ECMWF, United Kingdom), Benoit Vanniere, Irina Sandu, Inna Polichtchouk, Birgit Seutzl, Michail Diamantakis
P10.7 Spatio-temporal reconstruction of snow water equivalent with a combined data assimilation and machine learning approach
Matteo Guidicelli (University of Fribourg, Switzerland), Kristoffer Aalstad, Désirée Treichler, Yves Bühler, Nadine Salzmann
P10.8 Developing a machine learning based product for trapped lee wave detection and characterisation
Jonathan Coney (University of Leeds, United Kingdom), Andrew Ross, Leif Denby, He Wang, Simon Vosper, Annelize van Niekerk, Tom Dunstan
P10.9 Analog-based post-processing of NWP in complex terrain: performance evaluation and challenges
Iris Odak Plenkovic (Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service, Croatia), Ivan Vujec
P11.1 On the role topography and trigger mechanism on the development of a large-hail supercell storm event, on the Adriatic Sea
Antonio Ricchi (University Of L'Aquila, Italy), Rossella Ferretti, Mario Marcello Miglietta, Errico Picciotti, Alessandro Tiesi, Lorenzo Sangelantoni, Vincenzo Mazzarella, Richard Rotunno, Mario Montopoli, Simone Mazzà, Frank Silvio Marzano
P11.2 Convective-scale predictability of a short-lived mountain thunderstorm during CACTI
Daniel Kirshbaum (McGill University, Canada), Andrés Lopez, Neil Lareau
Overview | Boundary Layer | Clouds and Precipitation | Dynamics | Applications | Field Campaigns | Climate | Numerical Weather Prediction | Forecasting and Verification
Forecasting and Verification (Attendance: 9:00-10:00 and 15:00-16:00 CEST)
P11.3 Downscaling of surface wind forecasts using convolutional neural networks
Thierry Hedde (CEA, DES, IRESNE, DTN, Laboratory for Environmental Transfer Modeling, Cadarache, France), Florian Dupuy, Pierre Durand
P11.4 Statistical downscaling of temperature using Machine learning over the Alpine region
Sudheer Bhakare (University of Trento, Italy), Sara Dal Gesso, Marco Venturini, Dino Zardi
P11.5 Spatial correlation of weather parameters in the complex terrain of Iceland
Léo Jacobin (University of Iceland, Iceland), Philipp Weitzel, Benoit Soula, Haraldur Ólafsson
Overview | Boundary Layer | Clouds and Precipitation | Dynamics | Applications | Field Campaigns | Climate | Numerical Weather Prediction | Forecasting and Verification |