LAGRANTO - Examples

The Lagrangian Analysis Tool


The 48 h WCB trajectories for the dichotomous WCB case described by Martínez-Alvarado et al. (2014), located between 500–800 hPa at 00:00 UTC on 25 November 2009 (black dots) and ascending cyclonically (green), anticyclonically (blue), or without a distinct curvature (orange). The letter “C” marks the position of the cyclone center, and the grey contours show SLP (every 4 hPa) at 00:00 UTC on 25 November 2009.

Heitmann, K., Sprenger, M., Binder, H., Wernli, H., and Joos, H. (2024): Warm conveyor belt characteristics and impacts along the life cycle of extratropical cyclones: case studies and climatological analysis based on ERA5. Weather and Climate Dynamics, 5, 537–5457, doi:10.5194/wcd-5-537-2024


Thermodynamic trajectory classifications for (a)–(c) the Lower Valais, (d)–(f) the Hasli Valley, and (g)–(i) the Reuss Valley. Strongly heated airstream: right column; weakly heated airstream: centre column; cooled airstream: left column. The number of trajectories within each category and for each valley is given in the upper right corner.

Jansing, L. (2023): A Lagrangian perspective on the Alpine Foehn ETH Research Collection,,

Jansing, L. & Sprenger, M. (2022): Thermodynamics and airstreams of a south foehn event in different Alpine valleys. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 148(746), 2063–2085. Available from: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 148, 2063-2085, doi:10.1002/qj.4285


Absolute values of WCB frequencies (in %) for HIST (a, c, e) and difference RCP8.5 − HIST during boreal winter (DJF) for WCB ascent times t=0 h (a, b), t=24 h (c, d), and t=48 h (e, f).

Joos, H., Sprenger, M., Binder, H., Beyerle, U., and Wernli, H. (2023): Warm conveyor belts in present-day and future climate simulations – Part 1: Climatology and impacts, Weather and Climate Dynamics, 4, 133-155, doi:10.5194/wcd-4-133-2023