wernli 2015
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The Tibetan Plateau and the Indian monsoon - moisture source and transport variability.
Thurnherr, I.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2015)
Effect of tropical moisture exports on extratropical cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere.
Boleti, E.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2015)
Interannual variability of Northern Hemisphere winters.
Fragkoulidis, G.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2015)
What determines the ascent of a warm conveyor belt - Sensitivity experiments with the ECMWF global model.
Piquerez, A.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2015)
Stationary cyclones and extreme events.
Gugerli, R.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2015)
A high-resolution numerical case study of mesocyclones associated with a cold air outbreak in the Ross Sea, 24-28 June 2010.
Rosskopf, Y.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2015)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of wernli 2015 (LZ: 03854)