wernli 2013
Mon Mar 10 12:51:31 AM CET 2025 | Research Collection | IAC Publication Editor (accessible only ETH intern or over VPN) | overview
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Perturbations of lateral boundary conditions for a convection-permitting COSMO ensemble system
Weber, L.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of cyclogenesis with satellite imagery and ECMWF data
Cervenka, D.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
A climatological study of prerequisites for tropical cyclone formation in the South Atlantic
Beerli, R.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
Flash flood early warning tool
Knechtl, V.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
Lagrangian investigation of hot and cold extremes in Europe
Bieli, M.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
The downstream impact of extratropical transition during the North Atlantic hurricane season 2011
Blumer, S.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
Warm conveyor belts - climatology and forecast performance.
Madonna, E.
PhD thesis, ETH Zurich, No 21315, , (2013)
The use of polarimetric weather radar in the Alps
Graf, P.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
Lagrangian and Eulerian analysis of clear air turbulence over the United States
Mamali, D.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
Flood events of the river Suze
Püntener, S.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
Extratropical cyclogenesis in zonally varying flow
Rüdisühli, S.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
Stable water isotope fractionation along trajectories
Dütsch, M.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
Diurnal to interannual rainfall δ18O variations in northern Borneo driven by regional hydrology.
Moerman, J. W., K. M. Cobb, J. F. Adkins, H. Sodemann, B. Clark, and A. A. Tuen
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 369-370, 108-119., , (2013)
Cold surge episodes over southeastern Brazil - a potential vorticity perspective.
Sprenger, M., O. Martius, and J. Arnold
Int. J. Climatol., 33, 2758-2767., , (2013)
Continuous monitoring of summer surface water vapour isotopic composition above the Greenland Ice Sheet.
Steen-Larsen, H. C., S. J. Johnsen, V. Masson-Delmotte, B. Stenni, C. Risi, H. Sodemann, D. Balslev-Clausen, T. Blunier, D. Dahl-Jensen, M. D. Ellehøj, S. Falourd, A. Grindsted, V. Gkinis, J. Jouzel, T. Popp, S. Sheldon, S. B. Simonsen, J. Sjolte, J. P. Steffensen, P. Sperlich, A. E. Sveinbjörnsdóttir, B. M. Vinther, and J. W. C. White
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 4815-4828., , (2013)
The impact of Typhoon Jangmi (2008) on the midlatitude flow. Part II: Downstream evolution.
Grams, C. M., S. C. Jones, and C. A. Davis
Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 139, 2165-2180., , (2013)
Towards operational clear air turbulence diagnostics with COSMO-7 forecasts
Binder, F.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2013)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of wernli 2013 (LZ: 03854)