wernli 2000
Mon Mar 10 12:31:38 AM CET 2025 | Research Collection | IAC Publication Editor (accessible only ETH intern or over VPN) | overview
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Growth and decay of an extra-tropical cyclone's PV tower
Rossa, A.M. and Wernli, H. and Davies, H.C.
Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 73, 139-156, , (2000)
Measurements of nitrogen oxides at the tropopause: Attribution to convection and correlation with lightning
Jeker, D. P., Pfister, L., Thompson, A. M., Brunner, D., Boccippio, D. J., Pickering, K. E., Wernli, H., Kondo, Y. and Staeheli
J. Geophys. Res., 105, 3679-3700, , (2000)
Comparison of in-situ PV banner observations against high-resolution numerical simulations during MAP
Schär, C., M. Sprenger, D. Lüthi, R. Benoit, and Q. Jiang
Proc. 9th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteo-rological Society, Aspen CO, 49-53, , (2000)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of wernli 2000 (LZ: 03854)