schaer 2003
Mon Mar 10 12:34:58 AM CET 2025 | Research Collection | IAC Publication Editor (accessible only ETH intern or over VPN) | overview
Publication found in Research Collection - but Leitzahl not certified - PLEASE FIX IT
Structure and Dynamics of an Alpine Potential Vorticity Banner
Schär, C., M. Sprenger, D. Lüthi, Q. Jiang, R. B. Smith, and R. Benoit
Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 129, 825-855, , (2003)
Research Collection
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Hydrological Processes in Regional Climate Model Simulations of the Central United States Flood of June-July 1993
Anderson, C. J., R. C. Arritt, E. S. Takle, Z. Pan, W. J. Gutowski, Lüthi, M.A. et al.
J. Hydrol., 4, (2003)
Research Collection
A Comparative Study in Modelling Runoff and its Components in Two Mountainous Catchments
Gurtz, J., Zappa, M., Jasper, K.,Lang, H., Verbunt M. et al.
Hydrological Processes, 17(2), 297-311, , (2003)
Research Collection
Predictability and uncertainty in a regional climate model
Vidale, P.L., D. Lüthi, C Frei, S.I. Seneviratne, C. Schär
J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., , (2003)
DOI | 10.1029/2002JD002810
Research Collection
Simulated and observed fluxes of sensible and latent heat and CO2 at the WLEF-TV tower using SiB2.5
Baker, I., A. S. Denning, N. Hanan, L. Prihodko, M. Uliasz, P. L. Vidale, D. Kenneth and P. Bakwin
Global ChangeBiology, 9, 9 (2003)
Research Collection
Daily precipitation statistics in Regional Climate Models: Evalution and intercomparison for the European Alps
Frei, C., Christensen, J.H., Deque, M., Jacob, D., Jones, R.G. and Vidale P.L.,
J. Geophys. Res., 108, D3, 4124, , (2003)
Research Collection
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Interannual covariance between Baiu precipitation and North Pacific SST
Fukutome, S., C. Frei, D. Lüthi and C. Schär
J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan, 81(6), (2003)
Klimaszenarien für Starkniederschläge in Europa: Eine Analyse von regionalen Klimamodellen mit Extremwertstatistik
Schöll, Regina (Frei C.)
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2003)
An Assessment of the Sensitivity of the Regional Climate on Aerosol Forcing simulated with a Regional Climate Model
Hohenegger, Cathy (Vidale P.L.)
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2003)
Relative contributions of locally-generated and large-scale precipitation to the seasonal and inter-annual climate of European regions
Heimers S., P. L. Vidale
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2003)
Wasserhaushaltsmodellierung mit BATS und PREVAH im Rietholzbachgebiet und Parameteroptimierung mit der Software PEST
Walther, Ch.
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2003)
Evapotranspiration und Strahlungskomponenten im Forschungsgebiet Rietholzbach.
Jaun, S., J. Gurtz and R. Stöckli
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2003)
Untersuchungen zur flächendifferenzierten hydrologischen Modellierung des Einzugsgebietes der Aare unter Verwendung des PREVAH und zu seiner effizienten Kalibrierung
Corti, M. and J. Gurtz
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2003)
Niederschlag und atmosphärischer Wassergehalt in globalen Klimasimulationen
Wegmann, R. and J. Kleinn
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2003)
Das Phänomen der Eppaner Eislöcher in Südtirol – Vom Wein- zum Tundra-Klima (mit Anhang)
Voser, N., Burga C., Hölzle M. and Grebner D.
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2003)
A note on potential vorticity flux vectors
Bannon, P. R., J. Schmidli and C. Schär
J. Atmos. Sci., 60, 2917-2921, , (2003)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of schaer 2003 (LZ: 03360)