schaer 2001
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A New Terrain-Following Coordinate for High-Resolution Atmospheric Models
Leuenberger, D., C. Schär, O. Fuhrer O. and D. Lüthi
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2001)
Distributed hydrological modelling of a glaciated Alpine river basin
Klok, L., K. Jasper, K.P. Roelofsma, A. Badoux and J. Gurtz
J. Hydrol. Sciences, 46 (4), 553-570, , (2001)
Mesoscale Mountains and the Synoptic-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics: A Review
Schär, C.
Meteorology at the Millennium, Academic Press, 29-42, , (2001)
Modelling of runoff and its components and model validation in Swiss pre-Alpine and Alpine catchments
Gurtz, J., M. Zappa, K. Jasper, M. Verbunt, A. Badoux, T. Vitvar and H. Lang
Freiburger Schriften zur Hydrologie, 13, Institute of Hydrology, University Freiburg i. Br., 206-220, , (2001)
Mean annual precipitation throughout the European Alps 1971-1990.
Schwarb M., Frei C., Daly C. and Schär C.
In: Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland, Plate 2.6. (available from: Landeshydrologie und Geologie, 3003 Bern)(diverse publications), , (2001)
Mean seasonal precipitation throughout the European Alps 1971-1990
Schwarb M., Frei C., Daly C. and Schär C.
In: Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland, Plate 2.7. (available from: Landeshydrologie und Geologie, 3003 Bern)(diverse publications), , (2001)
Natürliche Variabilität oder anthropogener Trend ?
Appenzeller, C., A.K. Weiss and J. Staehelin
Spektr. Wissensch., , (2001)
The Role of Soil States in Medium-Range Weather Predictability
Fukutome, S., C. Prim, C. Schär
Nonlin. Proc. Geophys., 8, 373-386, , (2001)
Alpine Numerical Weather Prediction 2000-2020: A Look back to the Future
Schär, C.
MAP newsletter, 14, 7-13, , (2001)
Predictability issues in high-resolution numerical modelling of stratiform and convective precipitation
Walser, A., D. Lüthi, C. Schär
MAP newsletter, 15, 235-241, , (2001)
Reconstruction of mesoscale precipitation fields from sparse observations in complex terrain
Schmidli J., Frei C. and Schär C.
J. Climate, 14, 3289-3306, , (2001)
Mesoscale precipitation analysis from MAP SOP rain-gauge data
Frei C. and Häller E.
MAP Newsletter, 15, , (2001)
Modelle in der Klimadebatte
Schär, C. und Wild, M.
Bulletin u0096 Magazin der ETH Zürich, Nummer 280, Januar 2001, 18-21, , (2001)
Climate impacts of European-scale anthropogenic vegetation changes: A sensitivity study using a regional climate model
Heck, P., Lüthi, D., Wernli, H. and Schär, C.
J. Geophys. Res., 106, 7818-7835, , (2001)
A 15-year climatology of stratosphere-troposphere exchange and its link to potential vorticity streamers and cutoffs
Sprenger, M., H. Wernli and M. Bourqui
Pp. 245-249 in Proc. of the 13th conference on atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics, AMS, Breckenridge CO, , (2001)
Spatially distributed modelling of snow accumulation and melt in pre-Alpine and Alpine catchments
Pos, F., J. Gurtz and M. Zappa
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2001)
Untersuchungen zur hydrologischen und klimatologischen Charakterisierung des Forschungsgebietes Rietholzbach-Auswertung des Beobachtungszeitraumes 1976-2000
Moesch, Micheal (ERD), (Gurtz J. and Moser U. and Zappa M.)
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2001)
Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks
Stocker, T. F., C. Schär, M. Wild et al.
Chapter 7 in: Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge University Press, 417-470, , (2001)
Detection probability of trends in rare events: Theory and application to heavy precipitation in the Alpine region
Frei C. and Schär C.
J. Climate, 14, 1568-1584, , (2001)
The Modification of a Front by the Alps: A Case Study Using the ALPEX Reanalysis Data Set
Kljun, N., Sprenger, M. and Schär, C.
Meteorol. Atmos. Phys. 78, 89-105, , (2001)
Einfluss der Mittelmeertemperaturen auf herbstliche Starkniederschläge im Alpenraum - Eine Fallstudie zum Ereignis vom Oktober 2000
Niedermann, Michael
IAC Diploma Thesis, , (2001)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of schaer 2001 (LZ: 03360)