schaer 1996
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Die grossräumige atmosphärische Strömung um das Himalaya-Tibet Massiv
Kistler, Thomas
Diplomarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (1996)
Surrogate climate change scenarios for regional climate models
Schär, C, Frei, C., Lüthi, D. and Davies,H.C.
Geophys. Res. Letters, 23, 669-672, , (1996)
The Mesoscale Alpine Programme MAP: Design Proposal
Binder, P. and Schär,C.
Second Edition. MAP Programme Office, c/o MeteoSwiss, 8044 Zürich, Switzerland, 77pp, , (1996)
A synchronous and iterative flux-correction formalism for coupled transport equations
Schär, C. and Smolarkiewicz, P.K.
J. Comp. Phys., 128, 101-120, , (1996)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of schaer 1996 (LZ: 03360)