schaer 1995
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The effect of bottom friction on shallow-water flow past an isolated obstacle
Grubisic,V., Smith,R.B. and Schär,C.
J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 1985-2005, , (1995)
An Alpine precipitation climatology based on high-resolution rain-gauge observations
Frei, C.
MAP-newsletter No. 3, September 1995, 46-47., , (1995)
Daily Alpine precipitation and its relation to the synoptic scale flow:A principal component and singular value decomposition approach
Widmann, M., D. Bresch, Ch. Frei, and Ch. Schär
Proc. Sixth. International Meeting on Statistical Climatology. Galway, Ireland, 1995, 381-384, , (1995)
Die sommerliche Wasserbilanz in einem regionalen Klimamodell
Beyerle, U.
Diplomarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (1995)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of schaer 1995 (LZ: 03360)