peter 2005
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Reply to "Comment on the 'Thermodynamic dissociation constant of the bisulfate ion from Raman and ion interaction modeling studies of aqueous sulfuric acid at low temperatures'''
Knopf D.A., Luo B.P., Krieger U.K., et al., 2005
J. Phys. Chem. A, 109, 11 (2005)
Statistical analysis of vehicle pollutant emissions derived from several European road tunnel studies
Colberg, C.A., Tona, B., Catone, G., Sangiorgio, C., Stahel, W.A., Sturm, P. and Staehelin, J.
Atmos. Environm.,, 39, (2005)
Volatile organic compounds in the Po Basin. Part A: anthropogenic VOCs
Steinbacher, M., Dommen, J., Ordonez, C., Reimann, S., Grüebler, F.C, Staehelin, J., and Prevot A.S.H.
J. Atmos. Chem., 51, (2005)
Volatile organic compounds in the Po Basin. Part B: biogenic VOCs,
Steinbacher, M., Dommen, J., Ordonez, C., Reimann, S., Grüebler, F.C., Staehelin, J., Andreani-Aksoyoglu, S., and Prevot, A.S.H.
J. Atmos. Chem., 51, (2005)
Emission of road traffic and surface ozone in Switzerland, 14th Symposium of Transport and Air Polllution, organized by P. Sturm
Ordonez, C., Prevot, A.S.H., Staehelin, J.
VKM-THD Mitteilungen, 85-l, (2005)
Monitoring of air pollutants in Zürich (Switzerland) using a streetcar as measuring platform, 14th Symposium of Transport and Air Polllution, organized by P. Sturm
Kehl, P., Staehelin, J., Braun, C., Kahle, H.-G., Geiger, A.
VKM-THD Mitteilungen, Vol.85-II, (2005)
Car exhaust emission of oxidized volatile organic compounds quantified from measurements in a highway tunnel near Zurich, 14th Symposium of Transport and Air Polllution, organized by P. Sturm
Legreid, G., Reimann, S., Vollmer, M.K., Steinbacher, M., Jürgen, N., Staehelin, J.
VKM-THD Mitteilungen, 85-II, (2005)
Planning Document for the SCOUT-O3 Tropical Aircraft Campaign
Brunner, D., T. Corti, S. Füglistaler, N. Harris, B. Luo, R. MacKenzie, T. Peter, J. Pyle, M. Rex and C. Schiller
not given, , (2005)
Ozon und Flugverkehr - Sensitivitätsanalyse von Stickstoffoxiden auf die Ozonproduktion in der Tropopausenregion mittels eines Boxmodells
Berthoud, F.
ETH Diplomarbeit, , (2005)
Long-term changes and variability in a transient simulation with a chemistry-climate model employing realistic forcing
Dameris, M., V. Grewe, M. Ponater, R. Deckert, V. Eyring, F. Mager, S. Matthes, C. Schnadt, A. Stenke, B. Steil, C. Brühl, and M.A. Giorgetta
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 5, (2005)
Report from TWP-ICE meeting in Darwin, 15-19 Nov 2004, on issues relevant for the SCOUT-O3 tropical campaign planning
Brunner, D. and Schiller, C.
not given, 7pages, (2005)
The influence of south Foehn on the ozone mixing ratios at the alpine site Arosa
Campana, M., Li, Y., Staehelin, J., Prévôt, A.S.H., Bonasoni, P., Loetscher H.P., and Peter, T.
Atmos. Environm, 39, (2005)
aLMo-Verification in the complex terrain of the Swiss Alps
Walker, Daniel
Diploma thesis IACETH, , (2005)
Characterization of high alpine plumes
Henne, S.
Diss. ETH 15949, , (2005)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of peter 2005 (LZ: 03517)