peter 2004
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Kinetics of HCI uptake on ice at 190 and 203 K: implications for the microphysics of the uptake process
Stefanutti, L; Mackenzie, AR; Santacesaria, V; Adriani, A; Balestri, S; Borrmann, S; Khattatov, V; Mazzinghi, P; Mitev, V; Rudakov, V; Schiller, C; Toci, G; Volk, CM; Yushkov, V; Flentje, H; Kiemle, C; Redaelli, G; Carslaw, KS; Noone, K; Peter, T
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 30, 108 (2004)
Research Collection
Evidence that nitric acid increases relative humidity in low-temperature cirrus clouds
Gao, RS; Popp, PJ; Fahey, DW; Marcy, TP; Herman, RL; Weinstock, EM; Baumgardner, DG; Garrett, TJ; Rosenlof, KH; Thompson, TL; Bui, PT; Ridley, BA; Wofsy, SC; Toon, OB; Tolbert, MA; Karcher, B; Peter, T; Hudson, PK; Weinheimer, AJ; Heymsfield, AJ
Science, 5657, 303 (2004)
Research Collection
Stratospheric ozone depletion: History, present knowledge and present questions
Staehelin, J.
Proceed. of stratospheric ozone workshop, , (2004)
Research Collection
Volatile organic compounds and their oxidation products in the atmospheric boundary layer: Laboratory and Field measurements
Steinbacher, M.
Diss. ETH 15557, accepted on the recommendation of R. Zenobi, J. Staehelin and J. Dommen, , (2004)
Research Collection
Morphological Investigations of Single Levitated H2SO4/NH3/H2O Aerosol Particles during Deliquescence/Efflorescence Experiments
Colberg, C. A., U. K. Krieger and T. Peter
J. Phys. Chem. A, 108, (2004)
Research Collection
Chemical and dynamical response to the 11-year variability of the solar irradiance simulated with a chemistry-climate model
Egorova, T., E. Rozanov, E. Manzini, M. Haberreiter, W. Schmutz, V. Zubov and T. Peter
Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, (2004)
DOI | 10.1029/2003GL019294
Research Collection
Extreme climate of the global troposphere and stratosphere in 1940-42 related to El Niño.
Brönnimann, S., Luterbacher, J., Staehelin, J., Svendby, T. M., Hansen G., and T. Svenøe
Nature, 431, (2004)
Research Collection
Publication NOT found in Research Collection - add Publication manually if possible
Haupteinflussfaktoren auf das stratosphärische Ozon in der nördlichen Hemispäre
Maeder, J. A.
Dissertation No. 15331 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich, , (2004)
Kinetics of HCl Uptake on Ice at 190 and 203 K: Implications for the Microphysics of the Uptake Process
Huthwelker Th., Malmström, M. E., Helleis F., Moortgat, G. K., Peter, Th.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 108, (2004)
Estimated Impact of Electric Current Related to Solar Wind Energy on the Thermal Conditions of the Middle Stratosphere (20-30km)
Makarova, L., Shirochkov, A., Nagurny, A., Schmutz, W. and Rozanov E.
Transactions of the Russian Academy of Sciences /Earth Science Section, 394,N1, (2004)
SchmutzParameterization of the heating in the middle stratosphere due to solar wind-induced electric currents
Makarova, L., Shirochkov, A., Nagurny, A., Rozanov E. and Schmutz, W.
J. Atmos. Solar-Terrestr. Phys., 66, (2004)
Simulation of the ozone and temperature response in the stratosphere to the phase of Arctic Oscillation
Rozanov, E, Egorova, T., Schmutz, W., and Zubov V.
Proceedings of the XX quadrennial ozone symposium, Ed. C. Zerefos, , (2004)
Simulation of the ozone and temperature trends in the stratosphere for 1975-2000 with the chemistry-climate model SOCOL
Schraner, M., Rozanov,. E., Wild, M., Egorova, T., Ohmura, A., Peter, T., and Schmutz, W.
Proceedings of the XX quadrennial ozone symposium, Ed. C. Zerefos, , (2004)
Solar wind impact on the circulation and ozone in the middle atmosphere, Proceedings of the XX quadrennial ozone symposium, Ed. C. Zerefos
Zubov, V., A. Kiselev, Y. Ozolin, I. Karol, E. Rozanov, T. Egorova, W. Schmutz, A. Shirochkov, L. Makarova
not given, , (2004)
Homogenization and trend analysis of the Dobson Umkehr series from Arosa (Switzerland)
Maillard, E., H. Schill, R. Stubi, P. Viatte, J. Staehelin
Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symp., 1-8 June Kos, Greece, C. Zerefos (ed.), Vol. I, , (2004)
Differences in total ozone measurements of Dobson and Brewer spectrophotometers from the series of Arosa (Switzerland)
Stubi, R., J. Maeder, P. Viatte, J. Staehelin
), Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symp., 1-8 June Kos, Greece, C. Zerefos (ed.), Vol. I, , (2004)
The effect of future circulation changes on the lifetimes of chlorine containing gases
Hoyle, C.R., Rozanov, E., Egorova, T. , Peter, T., Staehelin, J.
Porceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symp., 1-8 June Kos, Greece, C. Zerefos (ed.), Vol. II, , (2004)
Trends of ozone in central Europe at different altitudes, Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symp., 1-8 June Kos, Greece, C. Zerefos (ed.), Vol. II
Ordonez, C., H. Mathis, M. Furger, A.S.H. Prevot, C. Hüglin, J. Staehelin
not given, , (2004)
Tropospheric ozone trends since World BlancoWar II: UTLS changes between the late 1970s and the 1990s estimated from GASP and MOZAIC aircraft measurement programs
Schnadt, C., Staehelin, J., Brunner, D., Thouret V.
Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symp., 1-8 June Kos, Greece, C. Zerefos (ed.), Vol. II, , (2004)
Long-term trend analysis of ground based northern hemispheric total ozone stations and the effectiveness of the Montreal protocol
Maeder, J., J. Staehelin, D. Brunner
Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symp., 1-8 June Kos, Greece, C. Zerefos (ed.), Vol. II, , (2004)
Comparison of road tunnel measurements from the Gubrist tunnel (Switzerland) with a road traffic model
Staehelin, J. and Colberg, C.
Proceed. of the 13th International Symposium u0093Transport and Air Pollutionu0094, September 13-15, 2004, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Co, USA, , (2004)
Ozone and VOC vertical profiles over the Southeast of Mexico City
Wohrnschimmel, H., C. Marquez, V. Mugica, J. Staehelin, B. Cardenas, S. Blanco
Proceed. of the 13th International Symposium u0093Transport and Air Pollutionu0094, September 13-15, 2004, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Co, USA, , (2004)
A comparison of CTM generated total ozone with the NIWA homogenized TOMS/GOME data set,
Hoyle, C.R., Rozanov, E., Egorova, T., Staehelin, J., Peter, T.
Proceed. of stratospheric ozone workshop, Zürich, 16-17 March 2004, , (2004)
Trend Analysis using 65 long-term ground based total ozone series of the Northern hemisphere
Staehelin, J., Maeder, J.A., Brunner, D.
Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symp., 1-8 June Kos, Greece, Vol. I, , (2004)
Ozonschild und globale Regulierung der Emissionen ozonzerstörender Substanzen, Eine Fallstudie zum Montraler Protokoll, ETH-Zürich, 2001/2002
Peter, T., Staehelin, J., Sulejmani, S., Colberg, C. (Eds.)
Band 2: Interviews, Semesterarbeiten, Dokumentation, , (2004)
NABEL-Messungen und Langzeitveränderungen des troposphärischen Ozons
Staehelin, J., Li, Y.
Umweltmaterialien, , 171 (2004)
Ozonschild und globale Regulierung der Emissionen ozonzerstörender Substanzen - Eine Fallstudie zum Montraler Protokoll
Peter, T., Staehelin, J., Sulejmani, S., Colberg, C. (Eds.)
Band 1: Abschlussbericht, , (2004)
Trend analysis based on 65 long-term ground based total ozone series of the Northern hemisphere
Maeder, J.A., Staehelin, J., Brunner, D.
Proceed. of stratospheric ozone workshop, , (2004)
An extreme anomaly in stratospheric ozone over Europe in 1940-1942
Brönnimann, S., Luterbacher, J., Staehelin, J., Svendby, T. M.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, (2004)
Total Ozone Prior to the International Geophysical Year (IGY).
Brönnimann, S. and J. Staehelin
Ozone. Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 1-8 June 2004, Kos, Greece (Ed. C. Zerefos), 1, (2004)
Experimente zur Wasseraufnahme auf feste Aerosolpartikel unterhalb der Deliqueszenzfeuchte: Der Einfluss von Poren, Korngrenzen und Oberflächenmorphologie
Gasser, L. und Jöri, M.
Diplomarbeit IACETH, ETH Zürich, , (2004)
Trends in total ozone and in vertical ozone profiles reconstructed from the homogenized TOMS/GOME total ozone data set by data assimilation
Brunner, D., Staehelin, J. and Maeder, J.A., Bodeker, G.
Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symp., 1-8 June Kos, Greece, C. Zerefos (ed.), Vol. I, , (2004)
Interpretation of vertical profiles of Volatile Organic Compounds and Ozone over Southeast of Mexico City
Wöhrnschimmel, H. supervisors J. Staehelin and B. Cardenas Gonzales
Diplomarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (2004)
Sensitivity of the Ozone Production in the Upper Troposphere and the Lowermost Stratosphere based on box modeling
Fischer, A. M.
Diplomarbeit IACETH, , (2004)
Ozone miniholes and minihights over Switzerland
Koch, G., Wernli, H., Schwierz, C., Staehelin, J., Peter, T.
Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symp., 1-8 June Kos, Greece, C. Zerefos (ed.), Vol. I, , (2004)
Tunnel Studies, in Emissions of Air pollutants - Measurements, Calculations and Uncertainties
Staehelin, J. and Sturm, P.
GENEMIS, EUROTRAC-2 Subproject Final Report, R. Friedrich and S. Reis (Eds.),, , (2004)
The Northern Hemisphere total ozone anomaly 1940-1942
Brönnimann, S., J. Luterbacher, J. Staehelin and T. M. Svendby
Ozone. Proceedings of the XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, 1-8 June 2004, Kos, Greece (Ed. C. Zerefos), 2, (2004)
Solar variability effects on dynamics and chemistry of the atmosphere and surface air temperature: evaluation of UV and visible radiation influence
Egorova, T., E. Rozanov, T. Peter, M. Haberreiter and W. Schmutz
Proceedings of the XX quadrennial ozone symposium, Ed. C. Zerefos, , (2004)
Atmospheric Response to the Observed Increase of Solar UV Radiation from Solar Minimum to Solar Maximum Simulated by the UIUC Climate-Chemistry Model
Rozanov, E.V., Schlesinger, M. E., Egorova, T. A., Li, B., Andronova, N., and Zubov, V.A.
J. Geophys. Res., 109, (2004)
DOI | 10.1029/2003JD003796
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of peter 2004 (LZ: 03517)