peter 2001
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Chemical and dynamical contributions to ozone profile trends of the Payerne (Switzerland) balloon soundings
Weiss A. K., J. Staehelin, C. Appenzeller and N.R.P. Harris
J. geophys. Res., 106, 22,685-22,694, , (2001)
Kalorimetrische Bestimmung der Eisnukleation in wässrigen Lösungen
Zobrist, B
Semesterarbeit IACETH, ETH Zürich, , (2001)
Empirical Ozone Isopleths as a Tool to identify Ozone Production Regimes
Thielmann A., A. S.H. Prévôt, F. C. Grüebler and Johannes Staehelin
Geophys. Res Lett., 28, 2369-2372, , (2001)
Surface ozone at the Swiss Alpine site Arosa: The hemispheric background and the influence of large-scale precursor emissions
Pochanart P., H. Akimoto, S. Maksyutov, and J. Staehelin
Atmos. Environ., 35, 5553-5566, , (2001)
Origin and variability of upper tropospheric nitrogen oxides and ozone at northern mid-latitudes
Grewe V., D. Brunner, M. Dameris, J.L. Grenfell, R. Heim, D. Shindell and J. Staehelin
Atmos. Environ., 35, 3421-3433, , (2001)
Contribution of road traffic emissions to ambient air concentrations of hydrocarbons: The interpretation of monitoring measurements of Switzerland by Principal Component analyis and road tunnel measurements
Staehelin J., R. Locher, S. Mönckeberg, and W. A. Stahel
Intern. J. Veh. Design, 27, 161-172, , (2001)
Derivation of refractive index- and temperature gradients from optical scintillometry for the correction of atmospheric induced problems in highly precise geodetic measurements
Weiss, A., Hennes, M. and Rotach, M.W.
Surveys in Gesophysics, 22, 589-596, , (2001)
Uptake of SO2 by Polycrystalline Water Ice
Huthwelker, Th., Lamb, D., Baker, M., Swanson, B., and Peter, Th.
J. Colloid Interface Sci., 238, 147-159, , (2001)
Heterogeneous freezing of aqueous particles induced by crystallized (NH4)2SO4, Ice, and Letovicite
Zuberi, B.; Bertram, A.K.; Koop, T.; Molina, L.T.; Molina, M.J.;
J. Phys. Chem. A, 105, 6458-6464, , (2001)
Light-scattering intensity fluctuations in single aerosol particles
Krieger, U. K. and Braun C.
J. Quant. Spect. Rad. Trans., 70, 545-554, , (2001)
Natürliche Variabilität oder anthropogener Trend ?
Appenzeller, C., A.K. Weiss and J. Staehelin
Spektr. Wissensch., , (2001)
Swiss history of atmospheric ozone research and results of long-term Swiss ozone measurements
Staehelin J. and A.K. Weiss
Ozone: Science and Engineer., 23, 461-466, , (2001)
Analyse Alpiner Spurengasmessungen Der Stationen Arosa und Jungfraujoch: Luftmassenresidenzzeit und Chemische Filter
Schaub, D.
Diplomarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (2001)
Beitrag zur Beschreibung der Ozonzerstörung auf polaren Trajektorien mit dem Mainzer Box-Modell
Sulejmani, S.
Diplomarbeit IACETH, ETH Zürich, , (2001)
Two-dimensional angular light-scattering in aqueous NaCl single aerosol particles during deliquescence and efflorescence
Braun, C. and Krieger, U. K.
Optics Express, 8(6), 314-321, , (2001)
DOI | 10.1364/OE.8.000314
Nitrogen oxides and ozone in the tropopause region of the Northern Hemisphere: Measurements from commercial aircraft in 1995/1996 and 1997
Brunner, D., J. Staehelin, D. Jeker, H. Wernli, and U. Schumann
J. Geophys. Res., 106, 27'673-27'699, , (2001)
Untersuchung zum Gefrierverhalten von wässrigen Polyethylenglykol-Lösungen mit einem selbstentwickelten Kalorimeter
Zobrist, B
Diplomarbeit, IACETH Zurich, , (2001)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of peter 2001 (LZ: 03517)