peter 1998
Mon Mar 10 12:29:19 AM CET 2025 | Research Collection | IAC Publication Editor (accessible only ETH intern or over VPN) | overview
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One-year climatology of Nitrogen Oxides and Ozone in the tropopause region
Brunner, D.
Dissertation No. 12556 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, , (1998)
Research Collection
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In situ measurements of startospheric ozone depletion rates in the Arctic winter 1991/1992: A Lagrangian approach
Rex, M., P. von der Gathen, N.R.P. Harris, D. Lucic, B.M. Knudsen, G.O. Braathen, S.J. Reid, H. De Backer, H. Claude, et al
J. geophys. Res., 103, 5843-5853, , (1998)
Large-scale nitrogen oxide plumes in the tropopause region and implications for ozone
Brunner, D., J. Staehelin and D. Jeker
Science, 282, 1305-1309, , (1998)
Trend analysis of the homogenized total ozone series of Arosa (Switzerland), 1926-1996
Staehelin, J., R. Kegel, N. R.P. Harris
J. geophys. Res., 103, 8389-8399, , (1998)
Scavenging of atmospheric constituents in mixed phase clouds at the High-Alpine site Jungfraujoch: Part II: Influence of riming on scavenging of particulate and gaseous chemical species
Poulida, O., M. Schwikowski, U. Baltensperger, J. Staehelin, and H.W. Gäggeler
Atmos. Environ., 32, 3985-4000, , (1998)
Total ozone series of Arosa (Switzerland). Homogenization and data comparison
Staehelin, J., A. Renaud, J. Bader, R. McPeters, P. Viatte, B. Högger, V. Bugnion, M. Giroud and H. Schill
J. geophys. Res., 103, 5827-5841, , (1998)
Emission factors from road traffic from a tunnel study (Gubrist tunnel, Switzerland). Part III: Results of organic compounds, SO2 and speciation of organic exhaust emission
Staehelin, J., C. Keller, W. Stahel, K. Schläpfer and S. Wunderli
Atmos. Environ., 32, 999-1009, , (1998)
Airborne measurements of atmospheric aerosol particles and trace gases during photosmog episodes over the Swiss plateau and the southern Pre-Alpine region
Hering, A.M., J. Staehelin, U. Baltensperger, A.S.H. Prévôt, G.L. Kok, R.D. Schillawski and A. Waldvogel
Atmos. Environ., 32, 3381-3392, , (1998)
An automated system for the measurement of nitrogen oxides and ozone concentrations from a passenger aircraft: instrumentation and first results of the project NOXAR
Dias-Lalcaca, P., D. Brunner, W. Imfeld, W. Moser and J. Staehelin
Env. Sci. Techn., 32, 3228-3236, , (1998)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of peter 1998 (LZ: 03517)