peter 1995
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Emission factors from road traffic from a tunnel study (Gubrist tunnel, Switzer-land). Part I: Concept and first results
Staehelin, J., K. Schläpfer,T. Bürgin, U. Steinemann,S. Schneider, D. Brunner,M. Bäumle, M. Meier, C. Zahner, S.
Sci.Tot.Env., 169, 1995, 141-147, , (1995)
Total ozone observation by sun photo-metry at Arosa (Switzerland)
Staehelin, J., H. Schill, B. Hägger, P. Viatte,G. Levrat and A. Gamma
Opt.Eng., 34, 1995, 1977-1986, , (1995)
Attenuation of erythemal effective irradiance by cloudiness at low and high altitude in the Alpine region
Blumenthaler, M., W. Ambach, A. Cede and J. Staehelin
Photochem Photobiol.,in press, , (1995)
The effect of riming on the ion concentrations of winter precipitation.1. A quantitative analysis of field measurements
Dixon, R.W., L. Mosimann,B. Oberholzer, J. Staehelin,A. Waldvogel and J.L. Collet, Jr.
J.Geophys.Res., 100, 1995 11517-11527, , (1995)
Aerosol aircraft measurements during photosmog episodes over the Swiss Plateau and the Southern Pre-Alpine region
Hering, A., A. Prevot, J. Staehelin, A. Waldvogel and G.L. Kok
J. Aerosol Sci., 26, 1995, Suppl. 1, 65-66, , (1995)
Total atmospheric ozone determined from spectral measurements of direct solar UV irradiance
Huber, M., M. Blumenthaler,W. Ambach and J. Staehelin
Geophys.Res.Lett., 22, 1995, 53-56, , (1995)
Die schützende Ozonschicht
Staehelin, J. and A. Gamma
Jahrbuch 95 der österreichischen Gesellschaft für Alpin- und Höhenmedizin, E. Jenny, W. Schobersberger, E. Raas und G. Flora, Eds., Oesterr. Ges. für Alpin- und Höhenmedizin, 1995, 207-226, , (1995)
Emissionen des Kraftfahrzeugverkehrs im Gubristtunnel
Staehelin, J., K. Schlaepfer, U. Baltensperger, M. Baeumle, D. Brunner, K. Buchi, T. Burgin, H. Burtscher, I.S. Dolezal, E. Guje
Umwelt-Materialien, 31, Bundesamt für Umwelt, Wald und Landschaft, Bern, 1995, , (1995)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of peter 1995 (LZ: 03517)