peter 1993
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Pollutant concentrations and below-cloud scavenging of selected N (-III) species along a mountain slope
Oberholzer, B., M. Volken, J.L. Collett, Jr., J. Staehelin and A. Waldvogel
Water, Air and Soil Pollut., , (1993)
Cloud chemistry at Mt. Rigi, Switzerland: Dependence on drop size and relationship to precipitation chemistry
Collett, J. L., Jr., B. Oberholzer, J. Staehelin
Atmos. Environ., 27A, 33-42, , (1993)
Contributions of cloud processes to precipitation chemistry in mixed phase clouds
Collett, C.L., Jr., B. Oberholzer, L. Mosimann, J. Staehelin and A. Waldvogel
Water, Air and Soil Pollut., 68, 43-57, , (1993)
A thermally driven wind system influencing concentrations of ozone precursors and photo-oxidants at a receptor site in the Alpine foothills
Prévôt, J. Staehelin, H. Richner and Th. Griesser
Meteorol. Zeitschr., N.F.2, 167-177, , (1993)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of peter 1993 (LZ: 03517)