ohmura 2004
Mon Mar 10 12:37:51 AM CET 2025 | Research Collection | IAC Publication Editor (accessible only ETH intern or over VPN) | overview
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Use of MODIS/ BRDF products to enhance simulated surface albedos
Roesch, A., C. Schaaf, F. Gao
J. Geophys. Res., 109, D12 (2004)
DOI | 10.1029/2004JD004552
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/49893
From dimming to brightening: Decadal changes in solar radiation at the Earth's surface.
Wild, M., Gilgen, H., Roesch, A., Ohmura, A., Long, C., Dutton, E., Forgan, B., Kallis, A., Russak, V., and Tsvetkov, A.
Science, 308, (2004)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/32935
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/48899
Spatial variability in water content at the cold-temperate transition surface of the polythermal Storglaciären, Sweden
Pettersson, R., Jansson, P. and Blatter, H.
J. Geophys. Res. Earth Surface, 109, F02009, , (2004)
DOI | 10.1029/2003JF000110
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/160301
Estimating the decadal predictability of a coupled AOGCM.
Pohlmann, H., Botzet, M., Latif, M., Roesch, A., Wild, M., and Tschuck, P.
J. Climate, 17, (2004)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/38081
Evidence for subglacial ponding across Taylor Glacier, Dry Valleys, Antarctica
Hubbard, A., Lawson, W., Anderson., Hubbard, B. and Blatter, H.
Ann. Glaciol, 39, (2004)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/31308
Energy balance at a cold Alpine firn saddle, Seserjoch, Monte Rosa.
Suter, S., Hoelzle, M., and Ohmura, A.
Int. J. Climatol., 24, (2004)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/40929
BSRN longwave downward radiation measurements combined with GCMs show promise for greenhouse detection studies.
Wild, M., and Ohmura, A.
GEWEX News, 14, (2004)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/91597
Cryosphere during the Twentieth Century.
Ohmura, A.
Geophys. Monogr., Am.Geophys.Union, 150, (2004)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/33917
Evaluation of Lagrangian Footprint Model Using Data from Wind Tunnel Convective Boundary Layer
Kljun, N., Kastner-Klein, P., Fedorovich, E. and Rotach, M.W.
Agric. For. Meteorol., 127, (2004)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/34242
Numerical simulation of the motion of a two-dimensional glacier
Picasso, M., Rappaz, J., Reist, A., Funk, M. and Blatter, H.
Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., 60, 5 (2004)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/50509
Short-term velocity variations on Hansbreen, a tidewater glacier in Spitsbergen
Vieli, A., Jania, J., Blatter, H. and Funk, M.
J. Glaciol., 50, 170 (2004)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/32369
A Simple Parameterisation for Flux Footprint Predictions
Kljun, N., Calanca, P., Rotach, M.W. and Schmid, H.P.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 112, (2004)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/50467
Modelling Antarctic and Greenland volume changes during the 20 th and 21 st centuries forced by GCM time slice integrations.
Huybrechts, P., Gregory, J., Janssen, I., and Wild, M.
Global and Planetary Change, 42, (2004)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/49403
Radiative forcing - measured at Earth's surface - corroborate the increasing greenhouse effect.
Philipona, R., Dürr, B., Marty, C., Ohmura, A., and Wild, M.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, (2004)
DOI | 10.1029/2003GL01876
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/51869
On the consistency of trends in radiation and temperature records and implications for the global hydro-logical cycle.
Wild, M., Ohmura, A., Gilgen, H., and Rosenfeld, D.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, (2004)
DOI | 10.1029/2003GL019188
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/50211
Publication NOT found in Research Collection - add Publication manually if possible
CO2 und zukünftige Klimaentwicklung: Motor der Klimazukunft.
Wild, M. and Schär, C.
ETH Bulletin, 293, (2004)
Simulation of the ozone and temperature trends in the stratosphere for 1975-2000 with the chemistry-climate model SOCOL
Schraner, M., Rozanov,. E., Wild, M., Egorova, T., Ohmura, A., Peter, T., and Schmutz, W.
Proceedings of the XX quadrennial ozone symposium, Ed. C. Zerefos, , (2004)
Long-term Chamber Measurements of Soil CO2 Efflux in the Boreal Forest
Gaumont-Guay, D., T. A. Black, T. Griffis, N. Kljun, A. G. Barr, J. H. McCaughey, Z. Nesic and A. Sauter
Poster, 2004 Annual Meeting Fluxnet Canada, Banff, AB, 27-29 February 2004, , (2004)
Seasonal Variation in Carbon Isotope Discrimination among Ecosystems in the Fluxnet-Canada Network
Ponton, S., Alstad, K.P., Johnson, B.G., Morgenstern, K., Kljun, N., Black, T.A., Barr, A.G., Flanagan, L.B.
Poster, 2004 Annual Meeting Fluxnet Canada, Banff, AB, 27-29 February 2004, , (2004)
Inter-annual Variability in the Leaf Area Index of a Boreal Aspen-Hazelnut Forest in Relation to Net Ecosystem Production
Barr, A. G., T. A. Black, E. H. Hogg, N. Kljun, K. Morgenstern and Z. Nesic
Agric. For. Meteorol., 126, (2004)
TURAC: Temperature, Humidity, Radiation and Clouds Sensor – Bau und Test eines neuen Strahlungsbilanzinstruments
Ruckstuhl, C.
Diplomarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (2004)
Seasonal Variation and Partitioning of Ecosystem Respiration in a Southern Boreal Aspen Forest
Griffis, T.J., Black, T.A., Gaumont-Guay, D., Drewitt, G.B., Nesic, Z. Barr, A.G., Morgenstern, K. and Kljun, N.
Agric. For. Meteorol., 125, (2004)
On the Melt Water Production due to Strain Heating in Storglaciären, Sweden
Aschwanden, A.
Diplomarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (2004)
ECHAM5 T106 time slice scenarios using PRUDENCE SST and SRES forcings
Wild, M., Roesch, A. Tschuck, P., Ohmura, A. Schaer, C. Vidale, P.L., Roeckner, E.
Proceedings Workshop on high resolution climate modeling: assessment, added value and application, L. Bärring and R. Laprise / (Eds.) Lund Electronic Reports in Physical Geography No. 5, Lund University Sweden, , (2004)
Comparison of Net Ecosystem Production at Mature and Disturbed Forest Sites, Saskatchewan, Canada 2001-02
Amiro, B.D., A. G. Barr, T. A. Black, H. Iwashita, N. Kljun, J. H. McCaughey, K. Morgenstern, S. Murayama, Z. Nesic, A. L. Orchansky and N. Saigusa
Preprints, 26th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vancouver, BC, , (2004)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of ohmura 2004 (LZ: 03208)