ohmura 2000
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Absorption of solar energy in cloudless and cloudy atmospheres over Germany and in GCMs.
Wild, M.
Geophys. Res. Letters, 27, (2000)
Systematic errors in GCM radiative fluxes inferred from ground observations.
Wild, M.
Proceedings of the twelfth annual BMRC modelling workshop, Melbourne, Australia, BMRC Research Report No. 80, , (2000)
Underestimation of GCM-calculated short-wave atmospheric absorption in areas affected by biomass burning.
Wild, M.
Innes, J.L., Beniston, M. and Verstraete, M.M. (Eds.): Biomass burning and its inter-relationships with, , (2000)
Simulation, diagnosis and detection of the anthropogenic climate change (SIDDACLICH).
Cubasch, U., Allen, M., Barthelet, P., Beniston, M., Caneill, J.Y., Dufresne, J.-L. Fairheam, L., Filiberti, M-A., Gregory, J., Hegerl, G., Hoffmann, G., Johns T., Jones, G., Laurent, C., McDonald, R., Mitchell, M., Parker, D., Oberhuber, J.,Poncin, C., Sausen, R., Schlese, U., Stott, P., Terray, L., Tett, S., leTreut, H., Ulbrich, U., Valcke, S., Voss, R., Wild, M., and Ypersele, J.-P.
European Commission, Energy Environment and Sustainable Development, EUR 19310 EN, Office for Official Publications of the EC, Luxembourg, ISBN 92-828-8864-9, 78 p, , (2000)
Gridded temperature and accumulation distributions for use in cryospheric models
Calanca, P., Gilgen, H., Ekholm, S. and Ohmura, A.
Annals Glaciol., , 31 (2000)
Change in mass balance of polar ice sheets and sea leveel from high-resolution GCM simulations of greenhouse warming
Wild, M. and Ohmura, A.
Ann.Glaciol., , 30 (2000)
How is ecosystem function affected by hydrological lateral flows in complex landscapes?
Menzel, L., Richter, O., Caraco, N., Hornberger, G.M., Jackson, R.B., Johnston, C.A., Lang, H., Wood, E.F.,
Integrating Hydrology, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Biochemistry in Complex Landscapes, Dahlem Workshop Series, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 255-272, , (2000)
Introduction of a puff-particle approach for near-source dispersion into the CALPUFF model.
de Haan, P., J. S. Scire, D. G. Strimatis and M. W. Rotach
Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XIII, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 147-155, , (2000)
Footprint Determination in Stable to Convective Stratification Using an Inverse 3D Lagrangian Particle Model
Kljun, N., de Haan, P., Rotach, M.W. and Schmid, H.P.
Preprints, 24th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Davis, CA, 2000, 156-157., , (2000)
A Lagrangian Footprint Model for Stratifications Ranging from Stable to Convective.
Kljun, N., Rotach, M.W. and Schmid, H.P.
Preprints, 14th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, Aspen, CO, 2000, 130-132., , (2000)
A method to speed up a Lagrangian stochastic particle model.
Rotach, M.W. and Schwere, S.
Gryning, S.-E. and Batchvarova, E. (Eds.): Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XIII, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, 509-517, , (2000)
Mittlere jährliche Strahlungsbilanz
Z'graggen, L. and Ohmura, A.
Schweiz. Meteorologische Anstalt, Verlag des Bundesamtes für Landestopographie, Wabern-Bern (Hrsg.): Klimaatlas der Schweiz, 6. Lieferung, Blatt 5.8, 2 p., 1 Karte, , (2000)
Chemical characteristics of basal ice near Hamna Icefall, East Antarctica.
Iizuka, Y., Igarashi, M., Shiraiwa, T., Naruse, R., Yamada, T. and Watanabe, O.
Polar Meteorol. Glaciol., 14, 8-15, , (2000)
Experimental and numerical verification of similarity concept for diffusion of car exhaust gases in urban street canyons
Kastner-Klein, P., Fedorovich, E., Sini, J.-F. and Mestayer, P.G.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 65, 353-361, , (2000)
Modelling of vehicle induced turbulence in air pollution studies for streets.
Kastner-Klein, P., Berkowicz, R. and Plate, E.J.
Int. J. Environment and Pollution, 14, 1-6, , (2000)
Modelling dynamics of glaciers in volcanic craters.
Salamatin, A.N., Muravyev, Y.D., Shiraiwa, T. and Matsuoka, K.
J. Glaciol., 46(153), 177-187, , (2000)
An extended similarity theory for the stably stratified atmospheric surface layer
Zilitinkevich, S. and Calanca, P.
Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 126(566), 1913-1923, , (2000)
Climate on tundra and thoughts on causes of regional climate differences.
Ohmura, A.
Annals Glaciol., , 31 (2000)
Glacier mass-balance determination by remote sensing and high-resolution modelling
Hubbard, A., Willis, I., Sharp, M., Mair, D., Nienow, P., Hubbard, B. and Blatter, H.
J. Glaciol., 46(154), 491-498, , (2000)
Modelling glacier response to measured mass-balance forcing
Albrecht, O., P. Jansson and H. Blatter
Annals Glaciol., 31, 91-96, , (2000)
Investigation of the near-surface boundary layer in an Alpine valley
Andretta, M., S. Zimmermann, P. Calanca and M. W. Rotach
MAP Newsletter, 13, 68-69, , (2000)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of ohmura 2000 (LZ: 03208)