ohmura 1999
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Studies on short-range air pollution modeling.
de Haan, P.J.
Diss. ETH Nr. 13089, , (1999)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/144060
Evidence for temporally varying 'sticky' spots at the base of Trapridge Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada
Fischer, U.H., Clarke, G.K.C. and Blatter, H.
J. Glaciol., 45(150), 1999, 352-360, , (1999)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/483345
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Das grosse Schmelzen: Ein Klimamodell für die Alpen
Blatter, H. and M. Wild
Berge, 97, (1999)
Discrepancies between model-calculated and observed shortwave atmospheric absorption in areas with high aerosol loadings
Wild, M.
J. Geophys. Res., 104(D22), 1999, 27361-27371, , (1999)
Radiative fluxes in the global climate system: GCM-calculations versus observations.
Wild, M., and Ohmura, A.
Proceedings 3th International Conference on the global energy and water cycle, Beijing, China, , (1999)
Globale Klimaänderungen modellsimuliert
Wild, M.
ETH-Bulletin, 272, (1999)
Surface radiation fluxes in transient climate simulations
Garratt, J.R., O'Brian, D.M., Dix, M.R., Murphy, J.M., Stephens, G.L. and Wild, M. :
Glob. Planet. Change, 20, 1999, 33-55, , (1999)
Assessment of GCM simulated snow albedo using direct observations.
Roesch, A., Gilgen, H., Wild, M. and Ohmura, A.
Climate Dynamics, 15, 1999, 405-418, , (1999)
The role of clouds and the cloud-free atmosphere in the problem of underestimated absorption of solar radiation in GCM atmospheres.
Wild, M. and Ohmura, A.
Phys. Chem. Earth (B), , 24 (1999)
High-resolution hydrothermal structure of Hansbreen, Spitsbergen, mapped by ground-penetrating radar
Moore, J.C., Paelli, A., Ludwig, F., Blatter, H., Jania, J., Gadek, B., Glowacki, P., Mochnacki, D. and Isaksson, E.:
J. Glaciol., 45(151), 1999, 524-532, , (1999)
Precipitation, accumulation and mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet.
Ohmura, A., Calanca, P., Wild, M. and Anklin, M.
Zeitschr. Gletscherk. Glazialgeol., 35, 1999, 1-20, , (1999)
On the influence of the urban roughness sublayer on turbulence and dispersion
Rotach, M.W.
Atmos. Environ., 33, 4001u00964008., , (1999)
Untersuchung der Absorption in stratiformer Bewölkung
Hoch, S.
Diplomarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (1999)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of ohmura 1999 (LZ: 03208)