ohmura 1998
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Means and trends of shortwave irradiance at the surface estimated from Global Energy Balance Archive data.
Gilgen, H., Wild, M., Ohmura, A.
J. Climate, , 11 (1998)
The disposition of radiative energy in the global climate system: GCM versus observational estimates.
Wild, M., Ohmura, A., Gilgen, H., Roeckner, E., Giorgetta, M., Morcrette, J.J.
Climate Dynamics, 14, 1998, 853-869, , (1998)
The distribution of solar energy at the earth's surface as calculated in the ECMWF Re-analysis. Geophys.
Wild, M., Ohmura, A., Gilgen, H., Morcrette, J.J.
Res. Lett., 25, 1998, 4373-4376, , (1998)
Excessive transmission of solar radiation through the cloud-free atmosphere in GCMs. Geophys.
Wild, M. and Liepert, B.
Res. Lett., 25, (1998)
The earth radiation budget as simulated in General Circulation Models.
Wild, M.
Proceedings of the Conference Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW), edited by the Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape and the Swiss Meteorological Institute (SMI), Zurich, , (1998)
Assessing the evaporation in climate models using direct observations.
Wild, M., Gilgen, H., Sheppard, R. and Ohmura, A.
GEWEX News, 8, 3 (1998)
Assessment of the ECMWF reanalysis radiative fluxes using surface observations
Wild, M., Ohmura, A., Gilgen, H. and Morcrette, J.J.
Proceedings of the First WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis, WCRP-104, , 876 (1998)
The Baseline Surface Radiation Network pyrgeometer round-robin calibration experiment
Philipona, R., Fröhlich, C., Dehene, K. (et al.)
Jour.Atmos.Ocean.Technol., , 15 (1998)
Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN/WCRP), a new precision radiometry for climate research.
Ohmura, A., Dutton, E.G., Forgan, B. (et al)
Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., , 79 (1998)
Experimental Studies on Vegetation Changes due to Climate Warming at the Side of Mt. Norikura, Central Japan.
Iguchi, J.H., Ohmori, H., Ohmura, A., Suzuki, K., Furuta, K., Yagi, H., Ohta, T., Nakashinden, I., Kimura, K. and Sugai, T.:
A Preliminary Report. Bull. Dept. Geography, Univ. Tokyo, 30, 1998, 17-26, , (1998)
The Treatment of Relative Dispersion within a Combined Puff-Particle Model (PPM).
de Haan, P. and M. W. Rotach
In: Gryning, S.-E. and Chaumerliac, N. (Eds.): Air pollution modelling and its application XII. NATO Challenges of Modern Society, 22, 1998, 389-398, , (1998)
A Novel Approach to Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling: The Puff-Particle Model
de Haan, P. and M. W. Rotach
Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 124, 1998, 2771-2792, , (1998)
The influence of surface texture on regionally aggregated evaporation and energy partitioning
Bünzli, D. and Schmid, H.P.
J. Atm. Sci., 55, 1998, 961-972, , (1998)
Experimental research on ecological changes due to climate warming at a high mountain in Japan
Iguchi, J.H., Ohmori, H., Ohmura, A., Suzuki, K., Furuta, K., Yagi, H., Ohta, T., Nakashinden, I., Kimura, K. and Sugai, T.:
J. Environ. Res. Snowy Cold Reg., 4, 1998, 49-60, , (1998)
Extension of an operational short-range dispersion model for applications in an urban environment
de Haan, P., M. W. Rotach and M. Werfeli
Int. J. Vehicle Design, 20 (1-4), 1998, 105-114, , (1998)
Stress and velocity fields in glaciers: Part I. Finite difference schemes for higher-order glacier models
Colinge, J. and Blatter, H.
J. Glaciol., 44 (148), 1998, 448-456, , (1998)
Modelling the snow cover in a complex Alpine topography
Fierz, C., C. Plüss and E. Martin
Ann. Glaciol., 25, 1997, 312-316, , (1998)
Comparison of a three dimensional model for glacier flow with field data from Haut Glacier d'Arolla, Switzer-land
Hubbard, A., Blatter, H., Nienow, P., Mair, D. and Hubbard, B.
J. Glaciol., 44 (147), 1998, 368-378, , (1998)
Stress and velocity fields in glaciers: Part II. Sliding and basal stress distribution
Blatter, H., G. K. C. Clarke and J. Colinge
J. Glaciol., 44 (148), 1998, 457-466, , (1998)
The radiative impact of a simple aerosol climatology on the Hadley center atmospheric GCM.
Cusack, S., A. Slingo, J. M. Edwards and M. Wild
Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 124, 1998, 2517-2526, , (1998)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of ohmura 1998 (LZ: 03208)