ohmura 1996
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Regional climate simulation with a high resolution GCM: surface hydrology
Wild, M., Duemenil, L. and Schulz, J.P.,
Climate, , (1996)
Surface energy fluxes in high resolution GCMs.
Wild, M.
Proceedings of the first HIRETYCS meeting, edited by M. Déqué and A. Braun, Météofrance, , (1996)
Simulation of climate trends over the Alpine region.
Ohmura, A., Beniston, M., Rotach, M., Tschuck, P., Wild, M., and Marinucci, R.
Final Report NFP 31, , (1996)
Improved representation of surface and atmospheric radiation budgets in ECHAM4.
Wild, M., Ohmura, A., Gilgen, H., Roeckner, E., and Giorgetta, M.
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Report, 200, (1996)
A possible change in mass balance of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets in the coming century
Ohmura, A., Wild, M. and Bengtsson, L.
J. Climate, , 9 (1996)
Present and future mass balance of the ice sheets simulated with GCM
Ohmura, A., Wild, M. and Bengtsson, L.
Ann. Glaciol., , 9 (1996)
A Two-Dimensional Stochastic Lagrangian Dispersion Model for Daytime Conditions
Rotach M.W., Gryning, S.-E. and Tassone C.
Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 122, 367-389, , (1996)
Representation of model data and evaluation of diagnostic equations in pressure coordinates
Calanca, P. and Fortelius, C.
Tellus, 48A, 756-766, , (1996)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of ohmura 1996 (LZ: 03208)