ohmura 1995
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High resolution GCM simulations over Europe: surface processes.
Wild, M., Dümenil, L., and Schulz, J.P.
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Report, 176, (1995)
The water vapor continuum and its representation in ECHAM4.
Giorgetta, M., and Wild, M.
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Report, 162, (1995)
Radiative fluxes and their impact on the energy balance of the Greenland ice sheet
Konzelmann, T., and Ohmura, A.
J. Glaciol., 139, 41 (1995)
High resolution simulations of January and July climate over the Western Alpine region with a nested modeling system
Marinucci, M.R., Giorgi, F., Beniston, M., Wild, M., Tschuck, P., Ohmura, A., and Bernasconi, A.
Theor. Appl. Climatol., , 51 (1995)
First global WCRP shortwave surface radiation bugdet data set
Whitlock, C.H., Charlock, T.P., Staylor, W.F., Pinker, R.T., Laszlo, I., Ohmura, A., Gilgen, H., Konzelmann, T., DiPasquale, R.C., Moats, C.D., LeCroy, S.R., and Ritchey, N.A.
Bull.Am.Meteo.Soc., 6, 76 (1995)
Regional climate simulation with a high reslution GCM: surface radiative fluxes
Wild, M., Ohmura, A., Gilgen, H. and Roeckner, E.
Climate Dynamics, , 11 (1995)
Profiles of Turbulence Statistics in and Above an Urban Street Canyon
Rotach, M.W.
Atmospheric Environ., 29, 1473-1486, , (1995)
A Puff-Particle Dispersion Model
de Haan, P. and M. W. Rotach
Int. J. Environment and Pollution, 5, Nos. 4-6, 350-359, , (1995)
Validation of GCM simulated radiative fluxes using surface observations
Wild, M. Ohmura, A., Gilgen, H. and Roeckner E.,
J. Climate, , 8 (1995)
Velocity and stress fields in grounded glaciers: a simple algorithm for including deviatoric stress gradients
Blatter, H.
J. Glaciol., 41(138), 333-344, , (1995)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of ohmura 1995 (LZ: 03208)