ohmura 1994
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A parameterized energy balance model of glacier melting on the Tianshan Mountain
Kang, E., and Ohmura, A.
Acta Geographica Sinica, 49, (1994)
Energy balance for the Greenland ice sheet by observation and model computation
Ohmura, A., Konzelmann, T., Rotach, M., Forrer, J., Wild, M., Abe-Ouchi, A. and Toritani, H.
Snow and Ice Covers; Interactions with the Atmosphere and Ecosystems, IAHS Publ., , 223 (1994)
Atmospheric moisture flux convergence and accumulation on the Greenland ice sheet
Calanca, P. and Ohmura, A.
Snow and Ice Covers; Interactions with the Atmosphere and Ecosystems, IAHS Publ., 223, (1994)
Determination of the Zero Plane Displacement in an Urban Environment
Rotach, M W.
Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 67,187-193, , (1994)
How does the Greenland ice sheet geometry remember the ice age
Abe-Ouchi, A., H. Blatter and A. Ohmura
Global Planetary Change, 9, 133-142, , (1994)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of ohmura 1994 (LZ: 03208)