lohmann 2007
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Depolalization ratios of single ice particles assuming finite circular cylinders
Nicolet, M., O. Stetzer and U. Lohmann
Applied Optics, 46, 20 (2007)
The impact of ice supersaturated regions and thin cirrus clouds on radiation
Fusina, F. and Spichtinger, P. and Lohmann, U.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, (2007)
Internal dynamics of cirrus clouds - some sensitivity studies
Spichtinger, P.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 9, (2007)
Impact of ice supersaturated regions and thin cirrus on radiation in the mid latitudes
Fusina, F., P. Spichtinger and U. Lohmann
J. Geophys. Res., 112, (2007)
DOI | 10.1028/2007/JD008449
Modelling of Orographic Precipitation including the Indirect Aerosol Effect
Zubler, E.
IAC, ETH Zürich, , (2007)
Sedimentation of hydrometeors in ECHAM
Müller, M.
Master thesis, IACETH, , (2007)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of lohmann 2007 (LZ: 03690)