lohmann 2005
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Simulation of the formation of thin cirrus clouds in presence of different competing nucleation processes.
Spichtinger, P. and Gierens, K.
Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7, (2005)
Special issue on precipitation in urban areas - Foreword
Einfalt, Th., Molnar, P., Schmid, W.
Atmospheric Research, 77, 1-4 (2005)
An Intensive Study of the Size and Composition of Submicron Atmospheric Aerosols at a Rural Site in Ontarion, Canada
Rupakheti, M., W.R. Leaitch, U. Lohmann, K. Hyden, P. Brickell, G. Lu, S-M. Li, D. Toom-Sauntry, J.W. Bottenheim, J.R. Brook, R. Vet, J.T. Jayne and D.R. Worsnop
Aerosol Science and Technology, 39, (2005)
Indirect Effects of Aerosols on Climate - A report from the IGAC Specialty Conference
Cziczo, D. J., Posselt, R., Lohmann, U., Murphy, D. M.
IGAC Newsletter, , 32 (2005)
Vergleich der Genauigkeit in der quantitativen Niederschlagsmessung des ETH- und MCH-Radars
Lehmann, T.
Semesterarbeit, IACETH, , (2005)
A case study on the formation and evolution of ice supersaturation in the vicinity of a warm conveyor belt's outflow region
Spichtinger P., Gierens K., Wernli H.
Atmospheric Chemistry And Physics, , 5 (2005)
Laboratory studies on secondary organic aerosol formation from terpenes
Iinuma, Y. and Böge, O. and Miao, Y., Sierau, B. and Gnauk, T. and Herrmann, H.,
Faraday Discuss., 130, (2005)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of lohmann 2005 (LZ: 03690)