lohmann 2002
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The statistical distribution law of relative humidity in the global tropopause region
Spichtinger P., Gierens K., Read W.
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 2, 11 (2002)
Short-term risk forecasts of heavy rainfall
W. Schmid, S. Mecklenburg and J. Joss
Water Science and Technology, 45, 02 (2002)
Possible aerosol effects on ice clouds via contact nucleation
Lohmann, U.
J. Atmos. Sci., 59, (2002)
A study of internal and external mixing scenarios and its effect on aerosol optical properties and direct radiative forcing
Lesins, G., P. Chylek and U. Lohmann
J. Geophys. Res., 107, (2002)
Detecting nocturnal clouds with surface temperature data
Grimbacher, T., Schmid, W.
ERAD Publication Series, 1, (2002)
First interactive simulations of cirrus clouds formed by homogeneous freezing in the ECHAM GCM
Lohmann, U. and B. Kärcher
J. Geophys. Res., 107, (2002)
High cloud horizontal inhomogeneity and solar albedo bias
Carlin, B., Q. Fu, U. Lohmann, J. Mace, K. Sassen and J. M. Comstock
J. Climate, 15, (2002)
A parameterization of cirrus cloud formation: Homogeneous freezing including effects of aerosol size
Kärcher, B. and U. Lohmann
J. Geophys. Res., 107, (2002)
A parameterization of cirrus cloud formation: Homogeneous freezing of supercooled aerosols
Kärcher, B. and U. Lohmann
J. Geophys. Res., 107, (2002)
The cloud albedo-cloud droplet effective radius relationship for clean and polluted clouds from RACE and FIRE.ACE
Peng, Y., U. Lohmann and R. Leaitch, C. Banic and M. Couture
J. Geophys. Res., 107, (2002)
A comparison of model- and satellite-derived optical depth and reflectivity
Penner, J.E., S.Y. Zhang, M. Chin, C.C. Chuang, J. Feichter, Y. Feng, P. Ginoux, M. Herzog, A. Higurashi, D. Koch, C. Land, U. Lohmann, et al.
J. Atmos. Sci., 59, (2002)
Tropical rainfall trends and the indirect aerosol effect
Rotstayn, L. D. and U. Lohmann
J. Climate, 15, (2002)
Simulation of the tropospheric sulfur cycle in a global model with a physically based cloud scheme
Rotstayn, L. D. and U. Lohmann
J. Geophys. Res., 107, (2002)
A new statistically based autoconversion rate parameterization for use in large-scale models
Zhang, J., U. Lohmann and B. Lin
J. Geophys. Res., 107, (2002)
Stronger constraints on the anthropogenic indirect aerosol effect
Lohmann, U. and G. Lesins
Science, 298, (2002)
A glaciation indirect aerosol effect caused by soot aerosols
Lohmann, U.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 29, (2002)
Impact of improved near-infrared water vapor line data in simulations with the ECHAM4 general circulation model
Lohmann, U. and R. Bennartz
J. Geophys. Res., 107, (2002)
Fall velocity and axial ratio of snowflakes
Schefold, R., Baschek, B., Wüest, M., and Barthazy, E.
European Radar Conference, 2002, , (2002)
Hailfall: The relationship between radar-derived hail kinetic energy and hail damage to buildings
Hohl, R., H.H. Schiesser and D. Aller
Atmospheric Research, 63, 177-207, , (2002)
The use of weather radars to estimate hail damage to automobiles: an exploratory study in Switzerland
Hohl, R., H.H. Schiesser and I. Knepper
Atmospheric Research, 61, 215-238, , (2002)
About the use of wind field retrievals from Doppler radar for dynamical analyses of stratiform snowfall
Wüest, M., Baschek, B., Schefold, R., Barthazy, E.
AMS Cloud Conference, Ogden, UT, USA, 2002, , (2002)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of lohmann 2002 (LZ: 03690)