lohmann 2001
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Detection of snow and ice crystals using polarization radar measurements: Comparison between ground-based in situ and S-Pol observations
Barthazy, E., S. Göke, J. Vivekanandan and S. M. Ellis
Atmospheric Research, 59-60, 137-162, , (2001)
Pattern classification based on quantum neural networks
Karayiannis, N.B., R. Kretzschmar, and H. Richner
S.K. Pal and A. Pal (eds.): Pattern Recognition: From Classical to Modern Approaches, , (2001)
Can the direct and semi-direct aerosol effect compete with the indirect effect on a global scale?
Lohmann, U. and J. Feichter
Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, (2001)
Simulations of ice clouds during FIRE.ACE using the CCCMA single column model
Lohmann, U., J. Humble, R. Leaitch, G. Isaac and I. Gultepe
J. Geophys. Res., 106, (2001)
Vertical distributions of sulfur species simulated by large scale atmospheric models in COSAM: Comparison with observations
Lohmann, U., W. R. Leaitch, K. Law, L. Barrie, et al.
Tellus, 53B, (2001)
Comparison of large scale atmospheric sulphate aerosol models (COSAM): Overview and highlights
Barrie, L., Y. Yi, U. Lohmann, et al.
Tellus, 53B, (2001)
Impact of improved near infrared water vapor line data on absorption of solar radiation in GCMs
Bennartz, R. and U. Lohmann
Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, (2001)
Enhancement of dust source area during past glacial periods due to changes in the Hadley circulation
Chýlek, P., G. Lesins and U. Lohmann
J. Geophys. Res., 106, (2001)
Analysis of regional budgets of sulfur species modelled for the COSAM exercise
Roelofs, G.-J., P. Kasibhatla, L. Barrie, D. Bergmann, C. Bridgeman, M. Chin, J. Christensen, R. Easter, J. Feichter, A. Jeuken, E. Kjellström, D. Koch, C. Land, U. Lohmann, P. Rasch and Y. Yi
Tellus, 53B, (2001)
A Comparison of Surface Observations and ECHAM4-GCM Experiments and Its Relevance to the Indirect Aerosol Effect
Liepert, B. G ., and U. Lohmann
J. Climate, 16, (2001)
The winter storm Lothar: an integrated view on Doppler radars, ground winds and forest damage in northern Switzerland
Schmid, W., Wüest, M., Dobbertin, M. and J.-P. Schütz
Preprints, 30th Int. Conf. on Radar Met., Munich, Germany, , (2001)
Noise filtering in a variational wind field retrieval from Doppler radar
Wüest, M., Zawadzki, I., Schmid, W.
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 10(2), 131-140 (or included in an updated form, , (2001)
A new ground-based optical instrument to measure snowflakes
Barthazy, E. and R. Schefold
AMS Radar Conference, 2001, , (2001)
Relationship between hailfall intensity and hail damage on ground, determined by radar and lightning observations
Hohl, R.
Departement of Geography, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, , (2001)
Cloud-to-ground lightning activity in relation to the radar-derived hail kinetic energy in Switzerland
Hohl, R. and H.H. Schiesser
Atmospheric Research, 56, 375-396, , (2001)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of lohmann 2001 (LZ: 03690)