lohmann 2000
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Assessment of surface and atmospheric radiation budgets in the ECMWF/NCEP/NASA reanalyses using collocated surface and satellite data.
Wild, M.
Proceedings of the Second WCRP International Conference on Reanalyses, WCRP-109, WMO/TD-No. 985, , (2000)
In situ verification of polarimetric radar-based hydrometeor types
Göke, S., Barthazy, E., Ellis, S.M., Vivekanandan, J. and Zeng, Z.
Preprints, 13th Int. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation, ICCP, 14-18 August 2000, Reno, NV, 272-275, , (2000)
Air motion,estimated by vertically pointing radars
Barthazy, E. and J. Joss
Phys. Chem. Earth (B), 25, 1209-1214, , (2000)
Comparison of two hydrometeor identification algorithms of the S-Pol radar with in-situ measurements of hydrometeors on a mountain
Barthazy, E., S. Göke, Z. Zeng, J. Vivekanandan and S. M. Ellis
Preprints, 13th Int. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation, ICCP, 14-18 August 2000, Reno, NV, 292-295, , (2000)
On the size distribution of ice-supersaturated regions in the upper troposphere and lowermost stratosphere
Gierens K., Spichtinger P.
Annales Geophysicae-Atmospheres Hydrospheres And Space Sciences, 4, 18 (2000)
Short-term risk forecasts of severe weather
W. Schmid, S. Mecklenburg and J. Joss
Phys. Chem. Earth (B), 25, 10-12 (2000)
An intercomparison of single column model simulations of summertime midlatitude continental convection
Ghan, S., D. Randall, K-M. Xu, R. Cederwall, D. Cripe, J. Hack, S. Iacobellis, S. Klein, S. Krueger, U. Lohmann, et al.
J. Geophys. Res., 105, (2000)
The sensitivity of sulphate aerosol size distributions and CCN concentrations over North America to SOx emissions and H2O2 concentrations
Von Salzen, K., H. G. Leighton, P. A. Ariya, L. A. Barrie, S. L. Gong, J.-P. Blanchet, L. Spacek, U. Lohmann, and L. I. Kleinman
J. Geophys. Res., 105, (2000)
Bird identification on 1290-MHz wind profiler data applying neural networks and neurofuzzy systems
Richner, H. and Kretzschmar, R.
Phys. Chem. Earth (B), 26, 181-186, , (2000)
Vorhersagbarkeit der Qualitaet von Niederschlagsprognosen
Croci-Maspoli, M.
Semesterarbeit, IACETH, ETH Zuerich, , (2000)
The origin of severe winds in a tornadic bow-echo storm over northern Switzerland
Schmid, W., H.-H. Schiesser, M. Furger, and M. Jenni
Monthly Weather Review, 128, (2000)
DOI | 10.1175/1520-0493(2000)128<0192:TOOSWI>2.0.CO;2
Indirect effect of sulfate and carbonaceous aerosols: A mechanistic treatment
Lohmann, U., J. Feichter, J. E. Penner and R. Leaitch
J. Geophys. Res., 105, (2000)
Why is the cloud albedo - particle size relationship different in optically thick and optically thin clouds?
Lohmann, U., G. Tselioudis, C. Tyler
Geophys. Res. Lett., 27, (2000)
Simulations of a Cold Front by Cloud-Resolving, Limited-Area, and Large-Scale Models, and a Model Evaluation Using In Situ and Satellite Observations
Ryan, B. F., J. J. Katzfey, D. J. Abbs, C. Jakob, U. Lohmann, B. Rockel, L. D. Rotstayn, R. E. Stewart, K. K. Szeto, G. Tselioudis and M. K. Yau
Mon. Weather Rev., 128, (2000)
Coupling between riming and the dynamics of precipitating clouds
Wüest, M., Schmid, W., and J. Joss
Proceedings, 13th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Reno, Nevada, USA, , (2000)
A variational dealiasing technique
Wüest, M., U. Germann and W. Schmid
Phys. Chem. Earth (B), 25 (10-12), 1179-1183, , (2000)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of lohmann 2000 (LZ: 03690)