lohmann 1998
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Microphysical Properties of the melting layer
Barthazy, E.
Dissertation No. 12687 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zuerich, , (1998)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/143620
Development of thunderstorms in Switzerland in relation to surface winds
Linder, W.
Dissertation No. 12589 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zuerich, , (1998)
Research Collection
| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/143575
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Snow measurements with a new optical disdrometer
Loeffler-Mang, M, and Barthazy, E.
MAP Newsletters, , (1998)
Size distribution of hydrometeors through the melting layer
Barthazy, E., W. Henrich and A. Waldvogel
Atmos. Res., 47-48, 193-208, , (1998)
Melt distances of snowflakes
Barthazy, E., A. Waldvogel, M. Schönhuber and W. L. Randeu
Preprints, Conf. on Cloud Physics, Amer. Met. Soc., Everett, WA, 140-141, , (1998)
Hydrological and geochemical factors affecting leachate composition in municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash. Part I: The hydrology of Landfill Lostorf, Switzerland
Johnson, C. A., Richner, G. A., Vitvar, T., Schittli, N. and Eberhard, M.
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 33, 1998, 361-376, , (1998)
Multiple peak processing algorithm for identification of atmospheric signals in Doppler radar wind profiler spectra
Griesser, Th., and Richner, H.
Meteorol. Zeitschr. N.F.7, 292 - 302, , (1998)
Die Hagelaktivität auf beiden Seiten des Alpenkammes: Ein Vergleich der Sommer 1996 und 1997
Suter M.
Semesterarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (1998)
The new optical spectrometer and its data analysis (Wahlfachpraktikum)
Hürlimann Felix
Semesterarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (1998)
Klimatologie von starken mesoskaligen konvektiven Niederschlagssystemen im Rahmen von HERA
Zogg, J.
Diplomarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (1998)
Multipeakanalyse von Dopplerspektren aus Windprofiler-Radar-Messungen
Griesser, Th.
Dissertation No. 12470 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, , (1998)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of lohmann 1998 (LZ: 03690)