lohmann 1993
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The Hydrostatic Equation in the Evaluation Algorithm for Radiosonde Data
Richner, H. and Viatte, P.
J. Atmosph. Oceanic Technol., 12, 649-656, , (1993)
Ice crystal observations and the degree of riming in winter precipitation
Mosimann, L., M. Steiner, J. L. Collett, Jr., W. Henrich, W. Schmid and A. Waldvogel
Water, Air and Soil Pollut., 68, 29-42, , (1993)
Air motion from potential temperature analysis on a meso-b-scale over complex terrain during POLLUMET 1990 and 1991
Richner, H. and Griesser, Th.
Meteorol. Zeitschr., 2, 145-152, , (1993)
Rotation in Swiss Hailstorms: Doppler radar structure and the Environmental Wind Field
Schmid W., L. Li, H.H. Schiesser and R.A. Houze, Jr.
17th Conferende on Local Severe Strorms, , (1993)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of lohmann 1993 (LZ: 03690)