lohmann 1992
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The prediciton of hail. Part II: The movement of hail cells
Schmid, W.
Atmos. Res., 28, 71-91, , (1992)
The use of single seeding events to evaluate the effect of hail suppression
Schiesser, H. H., J. Bader and A. Waldvogel
Theor. Appl. Climatol., 46, 123-133, , (1992)
Further results of Grossversuch IV. The seeding effect of the first rocket launched in a potential hail cell
Bader, J., W. A. Stahel and W. Schmid
J. Appl. Meteor., 31, 700-707, , (1992)
The prediction of hail. Part I: Radar quantities of hail intensity
Schmid, W.
Atmos. Res., 28, 49-69, , (1992)
The kinetic energy of hailfalls. Part IV: Patterns of hailpad and radar data
Schmid, W., H. H. Schiesser and A. Waldvogel
J. Appl. Meteor., 28, 1165-1178, , (1992)
Meltwater refreezing in the accumulation area of the Greenland ice sheet: Pakitsoq, summer 1991
Braithwaite, R. J., Pfeffer, W. T., Blatter, H. and Humphrey, N. F.
Rapp. Gronlands geol. Unders., 155, (1992)
Orographic Impact on a Winter Storm: a combined analysis of Doppler radar data and surface measurements
Li L., H. Huntrieser and W. Schmid
22th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology, Toulouse, France, 177 - 181, , (1992)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of lohmann 1992 (LZ: 03690)