davies 1999
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A tale of two fronts
Davies, H.C.
Nature, 400, (1999)
Theories of frontogenesis
Davies, H.C.
The Life cycle of Extratropical Cyclones, , (1999)
The interannual variability as a test ground for regional climate simulations over Japan
Fukutome, S., Frei, C., Lüthi, D. and Schär, C.
J. Met. Soc. Japan, 77, 1999, 649-672, , (1999)
The influence of vegetation on the summertime evolution of European soil moisture
Heck, P., Lüthi, D. and Schär, C.
Phys. Chem. Earth (B), 24, 1999, 609-614, , (1999)
A determination of the steering flow of Hurricane Andrew (1992) using a piecewise potential vorticity inversion
Koch, Patrick
Diplomarbeit, , (1999)
Gravity Waves and their propagation in the middle atmosphere
Buss, S.
Diplomarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (1999)
The Soil-Precipitation Feedback: A Process Study with a Regional Climate Model
Schär, C., D. Lüthi, U. Beyerle and E. Heise
J. Climate, 12, 722-741, , (1999)
Mesoscale modelling of vertical atmospheric transport in the Alps associated with the advection of a tropopause fold - a winter ozone episode
Schuepbach, E., Davies, T. D., Massacand, A. C. and Wernli, H.
Atmosph. Environment, 33, 3613-3626, , (1999)
Upstream development in idealized baroclinic wave experiments.
Wernli, H., Shapiro, M. A. and Schmidli, J.
Tellus, 51A, 574-587, , (1999)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of davies 1999 (LZ: 03203)