davies 1995
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Lagrangian Perspective of Extratropical Cyclogenesis
Wernli H.
Dissertation No. 11016 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zuerich, , (1995)
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| http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11850/142084
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Orography and the breakdown of balanced flow
Davies, H. C.
In "Modern Dynamical Meteorology" (Ed. P.D. Ditlevsen), ECMWF Pub., 1995,149-154, , (1995)
Diabatic-orographic synergy in the formation of upper-level PV cut-offs
Morgenstern O. and Davies H. C.
MAP newsletter no. 3, , (1995)
Flow over a mesoscale ridge: pathways to regime transition
Trüb, J. and H.C. Davies
Tellus , 46A, 1995, 502-524, , (1995)
Die mittlere Zirkulation der Nordhemisphäre und deren Variabilität
Bresch, D.
Diplomarbeit, IACETH Zürich, , (1995)
The effect of barotropic shear on upper-level induced cyclogenesis
Wernli, H., R. Fehlmann and D. Lüthi
In Proc. of the 10th conference on atmospheric and oceanic waves and stability, AMS, Big Sky 1995, 51-52, , (1995)
Dynamics of a frontal-wave development
Fehlmann, R., H. C. Davies and H. Wernli
In Proc. of the 10th conference on atmospheric and oceanic waves and stability, AMS, Big Sky 1995, 33-34, , (1995)
Break-up and roll-up of stratospheric intrusions
Appenzeller, C, H. C. Davies and W. A. Norton
Proc. AMS Conf. on, , (1995)
PV morphology of a frontal-wave development
Appenzeller, C. and H. C. Davies
Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 58, 21-40., , (1995)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of davies 1995 (LZ: 03203)