brunner 2022
Mon Mar 10 01:06:40 AM CET 2025 | Research Collection | IAC Publication Editor (accessible only ETH intern or over VPN) | overview
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Moderate and severe hydrological droughts in Europe differ in their hydro‐meteorological drivers
Brunner, M. I., Van Loon, A. F., and Stahl, K.
Water Resources Research, 58, (2022)
DOI | 10.1029/2022WR032871
A space-time Bayesian hierarchical modeling framework for projection of seasonal maximum streamflow
Ossandón, Á., Brunner, M. I., Rajagopalan, B., and Kleiber, W.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26, (2022)
DOI | 10.5194/hess-26-149-2022
Extreme floods in Europe: going beyond observations using reforecast ensemble pooling
Brunner, M. I. and Slater, L. J.
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26, (2022)
DOI | 10.5194/hess-26-469-2022
Lessons from the 2018-2019 European droughts: a collective need for unifying drought risk management
Blauhut, V., Stoelzle, M., Ahopelto, L., Brunner, M. I., Teutschbein, C., Wendt, D. E., Akstinas, V., Bakke, S. J., Barker, L. J., Bartosova, L., Briede, A., Cammalleri, C., Kalin, K. C., De Stefano, L., Fendekova, M., Finger, D. C., Huysmans, M., Ivanov, M., Jaagus, J., Jakubinsky, J., Krakovska, S., Laaha, G., Lakatos, M., Manevski, K., Neumann Andersen, M., Nikolova, N., Osuch, M., van Oel, P., Radeva, K., Romanowicz, R. J., Toth, E., Trnka, M., Urosev, M., Urquijo Reguera, J., Sauquet, E., Stevkov, A., Tallaksen, L. M., Trofimova, I., Van Loon, A. F., van Vliet, M. T. H., Vidal, J.-P., Wanders, N., Werner, M., Willems, P., and Zivkovic, N.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22, (2022)
DOI | 10.5194/nhess-22-2201-2022
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of brunner 2022 (LZ: 09788)