broennimann 2007
Mon Mar 10 12:42:39 AM CET 2025 | Research Collection | IAC Publication Editor (accessible only ETH intern or over VPN) | overview
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Fires and climate linked in nineteenth century
Brönnimann, S.
Nature, 448, (2007)
Research Collection
ENSO influence on Europe during the last centuries
Brönnimann, S., E. Xoplaki, C. Casty, A. Pauling and J. Luterbacher
Climate Dynamics, 28, (2007)
Research Collection
Reconstructing the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation back to the early 1900s
Brönnimann, S., Annis, J. L., Vogler, C., and Jones P. D.
Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L22805 (2007)
DOI | 10.1029/2007GL031354
Research Collection
Dewpoint and humidity measurements and trends at the summit of Mount Washington, New Hampshire, 1935-2004
Seidel, T., Grant, A., Pszenny, A., and Allman, D.
J. Climate, 20, (2007)
Research Collection
The impact of El Niño/Southern Oscillation on European climate
Brönnimann, S.
Reviews of Geophysics, 45, RG3003 (2007)
DOI | 10.1029/2006RG000199
Research Collection
The Aerosol Major Ion Record at Mount Washington
Fischer, E. V., L. Ziemba, R. Talbot, J. E. Dibb, R. Griffin, L. Husain and A. Grant
J. Geophys. Res., 112, D02303 (2007)
DOI | 10.1029/2006JD007253
Research Collection
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Defantu0092s work on North Atlantic climate variability revisited
Brönnimann, S. and F. Frei
Meteorologische Zeitschrift, accepted, (2007)
Sunspots, the QBO and the stratosphere in the North Polar region an update
Labitzke, K., Kunze, J., and Brönnimann, S.
Brönnimann, S., J. Luterbacher, T. Ewen, H. F. Diaz, R. Stolarski, and U. Neu (Eds.) Climate variability and extremes during the past 100 years. Advances in Global Change Research, accepted, (2007)
Klimaauswirkungen des Krakatau Ausbruchs
Schaller, N.
Bachelor thesis, , (2007)
Publication in ETH Research Collection
Research Collection: Publications of broennimann 2007 (LZ: 03676)