Oral Presentations

Overview | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Poster Pitches
Monday, 19 Jun 2023
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:15 Welcome
09:15 - 10:30 O1 Oral Session: Boundary Layer I
Chair: Ivana Stiperski (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
09:15 O1.1 Ground-based remote sensing of the atmospheric boundary layer in the Colorado Rocky Mountains during the seasonal snow-cover change
Bianca Adler (University of Colorado, United States), James Wilczak, Laura Bianco, Ludovic Bariteau, Christopher J. Cox, Gijs de Boer, Irina Djalalova, Janet M. Intrieri, Tilden Meyers, Timothy Myers, Joseph B. Olson, Sergio Pezoa, Joseph Sedlar, Elizabeth Smith, David D. Turner, Allen White
09:30 O1.2 Investigating the Planetary Boundary Layer Height in the CLOUDLAB Field Campaign
Heather Corden (University of Bern, Switzerland), Robert Spirig
09:45 O1.3 An Investigation of Mountain-Meteorological Processes Modulating Fog Formation During the Cold Fog Amongst Complex Terrain (CFACT) Project
Sebastian Hoch (University of Utah, United States), Eric Pardyjak, Ismail Gultepe, Zhaoxia Pu, Anna Gannet Hallar, Alexei Perelet, Zachary Ruble
10:00 O1.4 Investigation of boundary-layer processes in an Alpine valley with a network of ground-based sensors and UAS
Norman Wildmann (DLR, Germany), Almut Alexa, Alexander Gohm, Friedrich Obleitner
10:15 O1.5 Observed Structure and Variability of Upslope Flows during CACTI
Neil Lareau (University of Nevada, United States), Daniel Kirshbaum
10:30 - 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 - 12:15 O2 Oral Session: Boundary Layer II
Chair: Brigitta Goger (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
11:15 O2.1 Anisotropy of turbulence eddies and the implication on similarity theory
Ivana Stiperski (University of Innsbruck, Austria), Marc Calaf
11:30 O2.2 The Effect of Turbulence Anisotropy on Flux-Gradient Scaling Relations
Samuele Mosso (Universität Innsbruck, Austria), Ivana Stiperski
11:45 O2.3 Anisotropy effect on the low frequency range of unstably stratified atmospheric flow
Claudine Charrondière (University of Innsbruck, Austria), Ivana Stiperski
12:00 O2.4 Neutral and stratified turbulent boundary layer flow over low mountains
Francois Lott (PSL Research Institute, France), Lucile Pauget, Anton Beljaars
12:15 - 12:30 P1 Poster Pitches 1 Recorded Presentation
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:45 O3 Oral Session: Clouds and Precipitation I
Chair: Luca Panziera (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland)
14:00 O3.1 Why my (and probably your) idealized orographic precipitation simulation is wrong.
Invited Dale Durran (University of Washington, USA), Lydia Tierney
14:30 O3.2 Environmental conditions controlling the morphology of shallow orographic convection
Daniel Kirshbaum (McGill University, Canada), Jialin Liu
14:45 O3.3 Observations of Mountain Waves and Orographic Precipitation over Basin and Range Topography
David Kingsmill (University of Colorado, United States), Bart Geerts, Jim Steenburgh
15:00 O3.4 An investigation into the role of sub-grid orography in simulations of the Kerala Floods case (Aug 2018)
Samantha Smith (UK Met Office, United Kingdom), Alison Stirling
15:15 O3.5 Rainfall regimes over the Western Ghats Mountains of India
Andrew Ross (University of Leeds, United Kingdom), Jayesh Phadtare, Jennifer Fletcher, Andrew Turner, Reinhard Schiemann, Helen Burns
15:30 O3.6 Coastal and Orographic Influences on Lake-Effect Systems: Results from Recent Observational and Modeling Studies
Jim Steenburgh (University of Utah, United States), Peter Veals, Thomas Gowan, Leah Campbell, Sento Nakai, Justin Minder, Satoru Yamaguchi
15:45 - 16:00 P2 Poster Pitches 2 Recorded Presentation
16:00 - 16:45 Coffee Break
16:45 - 18:15 O4 Oral Session: Clouds and Precipitation II
Chair: Marcello Miglietta (ISAC-CNR, Italy)
16:45 O4.1 A pan-Alpine climatology of lightning and convective initiation
Agostino Manzato (ARPA FVG - OSMER, Italy), Stefano Serafin, Mario Marcello Miglietta, Daniel Kirshbaum, Wolfgang Schulz
17:00 O4.2 Spillover of precipitation in the Swiss Alps
Luca Panziera (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland), Carlo Guzzon, Lorenzo Giovannini, Dino Zardi
17:15 O4.3 First analysis of long-term observations of clouds and precipitation at Schneefernerhaus using a synergy of radar, microwave radiometer and ceilometer
Stefan Kneifel (Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany), Bernhard Pospichal, Tobias Zinner, Leonie von Terzi, Martin Hagen, Ulrich Löhnert, Bernhard Mayer, Susanne Crewell
17:30 O4.4 Atmospheric rivers in the Mediterranean and heavy precipitation over the Alps
Silvio Davolio (National Research Council of Italy, Italy), Mario Marcello Miglietta, Marco Vercellino, Lucia Drago Pitura, Lorenzo Giovannini, Fracesco Sioni, Federico Grazzini, Sante Laviola, Vincenzo Levizzani
17:45 O4.5 Characteristics of Cool-Season Orographic Precipitation Extremes in the central Wasatch Range, Utah, USA
Michael L. Wasserstein (University of Utah, United States), Jim Steenburgh
18:00 O4.6 CLOUDLAB: Simulating cryogenic cloud seeding of low stratus over the Swiss Plateau in ICON-NWP compared to field observations
Ulrike Lohmann (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Nadja Omanovic, Sylvaine Ferrachat, Jan Henneberger, Christopher Fuchs, Anna Miller, Fabiola Ramelli, Robert Spirig, Hui-Ying Zhang
18:15 - 18:30 P3 Poster Pitches 3 Recorded Presentation
18:30 - 20:00 Icebreaker
Overview | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Poster Pitches
Tuesday, 20 Jun 2023
08:30 - 10:00 O5 Oral Session: Dynamics I
Chair: Annelize van Niekerk (ECMWF, UK)
08:30 O5.1 Flow past an isolated steep mountain and associated lee-side cloud formation.
Invited Volkmar Wirth (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germany)
09:00 O5.2 The Laseyer windstorm - climatology, mechanism, and sensitivity to ambient conditions
Nicolai Krieger (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Christian Kühnlein, Michael Sprenger, Heini Wernli
09:15 O5.3 Very High Resolution Simulations of Rotors in the Tibetan Plateau with Selective Terrain Smoothing
Peter Sheridan (Met Office, United Kingdom), Anlun Xu, Jian Li, Kalli Furtado
09:30 O5.4 Numerical and theoretical study of the effects of mountain width on downslope winds
Yuki Asano (University of Tsukuba, Japan), Hiroyuki Kusaka
09:45 O5.5 Warming and descent of the Alpine South Foehn: Revisiting long-standing questions from a Lagrangian perspective
Lukas Jansing (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Lukas Papritz, Heini Wernli, Michael Sprenger
10:00 - 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:15 O6 Oral Session: Dynamics II
Chair: Volkmar Wirth (University of Mainz, Germany)
10:45 O6.1 Valley floor inclination affecting valley winds and transport of passive tracers in idealised simulations
Johannes Mikkola (University of Helsinki, Finland), Alexander Gohm, Victoria Sinclair, Federico Bianchi
11:00 O6.2 Numerical simulations of banded orographic convection over the eastern Italian Alps
Mario Marcello Miglietta (CNR-ISAC, Italy), Tullio Degiacomi, Andrea Zonato, Silvio Davolio, Lorenzo Giovannini
11:15 O6.3 Accounting for the three-dimensional nature of mountain waves: parametrizing partial critical level filtering
Annelize Van Niekerk (ECMWF, United Kingdom), Simon Vosper, Miguel Teixeira
11:30 O6.4 Importance of Orographic Gravity Waves over the Tibetan Plateau on the Spring Rainfall in East Asia
Xin Xu (Nanjing University, China), Runqiu Li, Ted Shepherd, Yixiong Lu
11:45 O6.5 Trapped mountain waves developping in stably stratified turbulent flow
Lucile Pauget (PSL Research Institute, France), Francois Lott, Christophe Millet
12:00 O6.6 The momentum fluxes produced by weakly dissipative trapped lee waves: application to Scorer’s two-layer atmosphere
Miguel A. C. Teixeira (University of Reading, United Kingdom), José L. Argaín
12:15 - 12:30 P4 Poster Pitches 4 Recorded Presentation
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:45 O7 Oral Session: Applications
Chair: Chantal Staquet (University Grenoble Alpes, France)
14:00 O7.1 Where does mountain water go? Combining efforts to track snowflakes, snow packs, water droplets, and water vapor in the East River Watershed, Colorado.
Invited Jessica Lundquist (University of Washington, USA)
14:30 O7.2 Comparison of large eddy simulations with continuous-wave LIDAR measurements of daytime flows in a small Alpine side valley
Stefan Fluck (ZHAW, Switzerland), Juliet Anet, Bruno Neininger
14:45 O7.3 The relevance of thermally-driven winds for wind energy in High-Arctic complex terrain
Matthias Henkies (The University Centre in Svalbard, Norway), Aleksey Shestov, Knut Vilhelm Høyland, Anna Sjöblom
15:00 O7.4 Numerical Modeling of a Passive Tracer Dispersion from a Continuous Source in a Steady Thermally Driven Slope Wind
Sofia Farina (University of Trento, Italy), Dino Zardi
15:15 O7.5 Investigating the transport of sulphate particles at the high altitude WMO/GAW Mt. Cimone global station using WRF-CHIMERE
Bruno Vitali (Department of Civil, University of Trento, Italy), Giancarlo Ciarelli, Dino Zardi, Federico Bianchi, Victoria Sinclair, Angela Marinoni
15:30 O7.6 Unravelling Mountain Wave Effects in the Troposphere - preliminary results.
Petr Šácha (Charles University, Czech Republic), Jan Karlický, Harald Rieder
15:45 - 16:00 P5 Poster Pitches 5 Recorded Presentation
16:00 - 16:45 Coffee Break
16:45 - 18:30 O8 Oral Session: Field Campaigns
Chair: Sebastian Hoch (University of Utah, USA)
16:45 O8.1 TEAMx pre-campaign 2022: Overview and highlights.
Invited Alexander Gohm (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
17:15 O8.2 TEAMx - state of affairs
Mathias Rotach (University of Innsbruck, Austria), Marco Arpagaus, Stephan De Wekker, Daniel Kirshbaum, Peter Knippertz, Manuela Lehner, Stephen Mobbs, Alexandre Paci, Elisa Palazzi, Stefano Serafin, Helen Ward, Christoph Wittmann, Dino Zardi
17:30 O8.3 CLOUDLAB: Ice crystal formation and growth in wintertime stratus clouds over the Swiss Plateau, ground-based remote sensing and in-situ
Robert Spirig (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Jan Henneberger, Fabiola Ramelli, Christopher Fuchs, Anna Miller, Nadja Omanovic, Huiying Zhang, Michael Rösch, Heather Corden, Jannis Portmann, Ulrike Lohmann, Kevin Ohneiser, Martin Radenz, Johannes Bühl, Tom Gaudek, Patric Seifert, Maxime Hervo, Phillip Bättig, Daniel Leuenberger
17:45 O8.4 Orographic influences on precipitation type in the Champlain and Saint Lawrence Valleys during the WINTRE-MIX field campaign
Justin Minder (University at Albany, United States), Bin Han, Jeffery French, Katja Friedrich, Andrew Winters, David Kingsmill, Nick Bassill
18:00 O8.5 Observing convection in complex terrain - combining Lidar and in situ observations
Thomas Spengler (University of Bergen, Norway), Christiane Duscha, Juraj Palenik, Joachim Reuder
18:15 O8.6 The Study of Precipitation, the Lower Atmosphere and Surface for Hydrometeorology (SPLASH): Perspectives on Two Years in the Rocky Mountains
Gijs de Boer (University of Colorado Boulder, United States), Allen White, Rob Cifelli, Tilden Meyers, Kathy Lantz, Janet Intrieri, Erik Hulm, Mimi Hughes, Kelly Mahoney, Jack Elston, Jonathan Hamilton, Jennifer Reithe, Joseph Sedlar, Laura Riihimaki, Darren Jackson, Anarelli Morales, Bianca Adler, Ryan Currier, Laura Bianco, James Wilczak, Christopher Cox, Mike Meyers, Maciej Stachura, James Pinto, Elizabeth Smith, Sara Morris, Michael Gallagher, Janice Bytheway, Robert Webb
18:30 Meteodrone Demo
Overview | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Poster Pitches
Wednesday, 21 Jun 2023
08:30 - 09:45 O9 Oral Session: Climate I
Chair: Sven Kotlarski (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland)
08:30 O9.1 The Swiss Alpine zero degree line: Methods, past evolution and sensitivities
Simon C. Scherrer (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland), Stefanie Gubler, Kathrin Wehrli, Andreas M. Fischer, Sven Kotlarski
08:45 O9.2 Global warming and the valley wind system in the Inn Valley
Petra Seibert (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Austria), Herbert Formayer, Fabian Lehner, Tatiana Klisho
09:00 O9.3 Analysis of past and future temperature extremes in the Greater Alpine Region (1951-2050)
Beatrice Diana (University of Trento, Italy), Ioana Colfescu, Massimo Bollasina, Dino Zardi
09:15 O9.4 Attributing heatwaves to climate change in mountainous areas. An analysis of the summer 2022 heatwaves in the Pyrenees
Laura Trapero (Andorra Research + Innovation, Andorra), Marc Lemus-Canovas, Sergi Gonzalez-Herrero, Anna Albalat, Damian Insua-Costa, Martin Senande-Rivera, Gonzalo Miguez-Macho
09:30 O9.5 Dynamically downscaled flow over Greenland
Haraldur Ólafsson (University of Iceland, Iceland), Philipp Weitzel
09:45 - 10:00 P6 Poster Pitches 6 Recorded Presentation
10:00 - 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 - 11:45 O10 Oral Session: Symposium Christoph Schär
Chair: Michael Sprenger (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
10:45 O10.1 The history of numerical modelling over complex terrain.
Invited Christoph Schär (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
11:15 O10.2 Looking back to the research by Christoph Schär - I
Nikolina Ban (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
11:30 O10.3 Looking back to the research by Christoph Schär - II
Juerg Schmidli (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
11:45 - 12:15 Group Photo
12:15 Säntis: The weather mountain - A meteorological and climatological introduction
Simon Scherrer (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland)
12:30 - 13:00 Lunch Break (Sandwiches for participants of excursion will be provided)
13:00 - 18:30 Excursion
19:00 - 23:00 Conference Dinner
Overview | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Poster Pitches
Thursday, 22 Jun 2023
08:30 - 10:00 O11 Oral Session: Climate II
Chair: Nikolina Ban (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
08:30 O11.1 Climate change in the mountains: From elevation-dependent warming to elevation-dependent climate change.
Invited Elisa Palazzi (University of Turin, Italy)
09:00 O11.2 Evaluation of the elevation dependence of climatic indices from EURO-CORDEX regional climate models in the Alpine region
Anna Napoli (University of Trento, Italy), Michael Matiu, Sven Kotlarski, Dino Zardi, Alberto Bellin, Bruno Majone
09:15 O11.3 Elevation-dependent precipitation change in global mountains
Olivia Ferguglia (University of Turin, Italy), Enrico Arnone, Elisa Palazzi
09:30 O11.4 Trends in temperature and moisture from a 5000 metre elevational transect across Kilimanjaro: 2004-2022
Nicholas Pepin (University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom), Harold Lovell, Clare Boston
09:45 O11.5 Temperature, Water Vapor and Lapse Rate Trends Point to Elevation Dependency of Climate Trends in the Peruvian Northern Andes
Robert Hellstrom (Bridgewater State University, United States), Bryan Mark, Emily Mazan, Emilio Mateo
10:00 - 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:15 O12 Oral Session: Climate III
Chair: Elisa Palazzi (University of Turin, Italy)
10:45 O12.1 Dynamically downscaled global climate models over the western United States using the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research Model
William Currier (NOAA/ESRL/PSL, United States), Ethan Gutmann, Rachel McCrary, Mimi Hughes, Bert Kruyt, Abigail Smith, Kelly Mahoney, Rebecca Smith, Seth Shanahan, Jim Praire
11:00 O12.2 Parameterising sub-grid topographic effects on surface radiation in high-resolution atmospheric and climate modelling
Christian R. Steger (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Christoph Schär
11:15 O12.3 Confronting Systematic Mountain Cold-Biases in Regional Climate Simulations: Observations, Discussion, and Synthesis with SAIL Field Campaign Observations
William Rudisill (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, United States), Daniel Feldman, Alan Rhoades, Erica Siirila-Woodburn, Zexuan Xu, Nicholas Thiros
11:30 O12.4 Impact of climate change on wintertime persistent inversions in the Grenoble valley during the 21st century
Chantal Staquet (University Grenoble Alpes - LEGI, France), Sara Bacer, Julien Beaumet, Martin Menegoz, Hubert Gallee, Enzo Le Bouedec
11:45 O12.5 Evaluation of hail and lightning climatology using km-scale climate model over the Alpine region
Ruoyi Cui (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Nikolina Ban, Marie-Estelle Demory, Christoph Schär
12:00 O12.6 Diurnal cycle of precipitation along the Himalayan foothills: observations, reanalyses, and climate simulations
Bodo Ahrens (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany), Alexander Halbig, Prashant Singh
12:15 - 12:30 P7 Poster Pitches 7 Recorded Presentation
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:45 O13 Oral Session: Boundary Layer III
Chair: Stefano Serafin (University of Vienna, Austria)
14:00 O13.1 Representation of the mountain boundary layer in NWP models: Does higher resolution mean improved model performance?
Invited Brigitta Goger (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
14:30 O13.2 Effects of smoothed orography on stable boundary-layer flow in the Grenoble valley
Charles Chemel (National Centre for Atmospheric Science, United Kingdom), Enzo Le Bouëdec, Chantal Staquet
14:45 O13.3 Representation of the Stable Boundary Layer in ICON over the Swiss Plateau
Shweta Singh (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany), Juerg Schmidli
15:00 O13.4 A south foehn case study with ICON-NWP and ICON-LES in the Alpine Rhine Valley
Yue Tian (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany), Julian Quimbayo-Duarte, Shweta Singh, Juerg Schmidli
15:15 O13.5 Transient quasi-periodic behavior of flow past an isolated steep mountain
Marius Levin Thomas (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany), Volkmar Wirth
15:30 O13.6 Boundary-layer plumes and slope winds over hilly terrain in idealized large-eddy simulations
Jan Weinkaemmerer (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany), Matthias Göbel, Ivan Bašták Ďurán, Stefano Serafin, Jürg Schmidli
15:45 - 16:00 P8 Poster Pitches 8 Recorded Presentation
16:00 - 16:45 Coffee Break
16:45 - 18:15 O14 Oral Session: Boundary Layer IV
Chair: Juerg Schmidli (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
16:45 O14.1 Including entrainment in Prandtl (1942) model for thermally driven slope winds
Dino Zardi (University of Trento, Italy)
17:00 O14.2 The Shape of the Boundary Layer: Revealing the Types of Temperature Profiles using Distributed Temperature Sensing
Karl Lapo (University of Innsbruck, Austria), Lena Pfister, Samuele Mosso, Manuela Lehner, Ivana Stiperski
17:15 O14.3 Challenges and opportunities of quantifying advection at mountain eddy covariance sites in the Alps
Marta Galvagno (Environmental Protection Agency of Aosta Valley, Italy), Georg Wohlfahrt, Nadia Vendrame, Peng Zhao
17:30 O14.4 Characterization of near-surface turbulence in the stable atmosphere of the Alpine Inn Valley
Manuela Lehner (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
17:45 O14.5 Wind-driven processes at the snow-atmosphere interface: Challenges and approaches in snow modeling
Rebecca Mott (WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF, Switzerland), Dylan Reynolds, Michael Haugeneder, Tobias Jonas, Michael Lehning
18:00 O14.6 Downscaling coarse resolution snowfall in mountainous terrain
Nora Helbig (Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland), Rebecca Mott, Yves Bühler, Perry Bartelt, Michael Lehning
18:15 - 18:30 P9 Poster Pitches 9 Recorded Presentation
18:30 ISC Meeting
Overview | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Poster Pitches
Friday, 23 Jun 2023
08:30 - 10:00 O15 Oral Session: Numerical Weather Prediction I
Chair: Marco Arpagaus (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland)
08:30 O15.1 Prospects for high-resolution data assimilation over complex orography: Motivation, challenges, feasibility.
Invited Stefano Serafin (University of Vienna, Austria)
09:00 O15.2 Probabilistic observation pre-processing for ensemble-based data assimilation: An application to surface temperature observations in Alpine terrain
Valentina Hutter (University of Vienna, Austria), Stefano Serafin, Martin Weißmann, Daniel Leuenberger
09:15 O15.3 Benefit and challenges in assimilating near-surface temperature and humidity observations in complex terrain
Daniel Leuenberger (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland), Claire Merker, Bas Crezee, Daniel Regenass, Marco Arpagaus
09:30 O15.4 The Alpine Digital Twin project and its relevance for TEAMx
Günther Zängl (Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany), Chiara Marsigli, Marco Arpagaus, Carlo Cacciamani, Paola Mercogliano, Antonio Vocino
09:45 O15.5 Improving Cool-Season Snowfall Forecasts from Operational Modeling Systems over the Western United States
Peter Veals (University of Utah, United States), Jim Steenburgh, Michael Pletcher, Michael Wessler
10:00 - 10:45 Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:15 O16 Oral Session: Numerical Weather Prediction II
Chair: Günther Zängl (DWD, Germany)
10:45 O16.1 Using machine learning to improve thunderstorm prediction for air traffic planning
Roman Attinger (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland), Hélène Barras, Johannes Landmann, Kathrin Wehrli, Gabriela Aznar
11:00 O16.2 A climatology of lee waves over the UK derived using machine learning
Jonathan Coney (University of Leeds, United Kingdom), Andrew Ross, Leif Denby, He Wang, Simon Vosper, Annelize van Niekerk, Tom Dunstan
11:15 O16.3 3D Radiation for Mountaineous Simulations
Fabian Jakub (LMU University Munich, Germany), Hermann Boettcher, Janik Schaefer, Philipp Gregor, Bernhard Mayer
11:30 O16.4 The effect of complex orography on the development of a tornadic outbreak in the Po Valley
Francesco De Martin (University of Bologna, Italy), Silvio Davolio, Mario Marcello Miglietta, Vincenzo Levizzani
11:45 O16.5 A model inter-comparison study of convective events over the Alpine region
Yann Seity (Météo-France, France), Elenio Avolio, Manfred Dorninger, Dieter Mayer, Mario Marcello Miglietta, Didier Ricard, Juerg Schmidli, Stefano Serafin, Shweta Singh, Christoph Wittmann
12:00 O16.6 A model intercomparison study of the thermally-driven wind system in an Alpine valley
Lorenzo Giovannini (University of Trento, Italy), Eric Bazile, Paolo Deidda, Silvia Ferrarese, Enrico Ferrero, Brigitta Goger, Alexander Gohm, Alessio Golzio, Rachel Honnert, Martin Köhler, Dietmar Oettl, Lippin Pauly, Quentin Rodier, Juerg Schmidli, Yann Seity, Stefano Serafin, Peter Sheridan, Shweta Singh, Silvia Trini Castelli, Clemens Wastl, Stephanie Westerhuis, Andrea Zonato
12:15 - 12:30 P10 Poster Pitches 10 Recorded Presentation
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:00 O17 Oral Session: Forecasting and Verification
Chair: Jessica Lundquist (University of Washington, USA)
14:00 O17.1 A customized machine learning based wind and visibility prediction at Zürich Airport
Hélène Barras (MeteoSwiss, Switzerland), Kathrin Wehrli, Fabian Pfister, Gabriela Aznar, Johannes Landmann, Roman Attinger, Thomas Jordi
14:15 O17.2 Elevation Dependence of Seasonal Weather Forecast Biases in the Alpine Region
Sameer Balaji Uttarwar (University of Trento, Italy), Anna Napoli, Diego Avesani, Bruno Majone
14:30 O17.3 Operational Use of Meteomatics Meteodrones for Mountain Weather Applications
Brad Guay (Meteomatics AG, Switzerland), Lukas Hammerschmidt, Matthias Piot, Julie Pasquier, Martin Fengler
14:45 O17.4 Disentangling synoptic and orographic processes relevant for the extreme hailstorms on 20-24 June 2021 in the Northern Alpine forelands
Georg Pistotnik (Geosphere Austria, Austria), Christoph Wittmann
15:00 - 15:15 P11 Poster Pitches 11 Recorded Presentation
15:15 - 15:45 Announcements and Good Bye
Overview | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Poster Pitches